AALEAD MD Kicks Off the 2019-2020 Program Year

By YLan Nguyen, MD Programs Manager

Photos Courtesy of AALEAD Staff

October was the official kick-off of AALEAD Maryland After School Programs across all three middle schools and three high school sites. AALEAD staff have been working dilligently to reconnect with returning youth and meet new youth as we have a lot of exciting things planned for this school year! Here’s a peak at what AALEAD youth did in programs last month.

AALEAD High School youth worked in small groups to visually depict their ideal AALEAD programs, including values, activity ideas, and goals.
Youth engaged in fun, interactive activities to learn about one another and build community.
Middle School youth participated in a self portrait collage activity where they had the opportunity to express their interests, values, and identities and share with one another.
For Filipinx American History Month, AALEAD youth explored Filipinx history and impact in the U.S. and teamed up to prep, fold, and cook turon, a Filipinix dessert.

Across all sites, AALEAD youth learned about themselves, each other, and their community through identity exploration and leadership development activities. Thanks to AALEAD MD staff and youth for starting off the after school program year strong!

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