Saying Goodbye to 2018 at MD Holiday Party

By YLan Nguyen, MD High School Program Coordinator
Photos Courtesy of AALEAD Staff

Last week, AALEAD Maryland Programs celebrated the end of the year at our Annual Winter Holiday Party. Youth from across MD middle schools and high schools gathered for an evening of community, joy, and celebration. The theme for this year’s Holiday Party derived from the overall program theme – “Ignite: Discover Your Passions.” Each year, the Annual Winter Holiday Party consists of community building, reuniting with friends across sites, and of course, the coveted youth talent show. This year, it was all the same… with a twist!

Following this year’s theme “Ignite: Discover Your Passions,” the Holiday Party began with a group activity designed to utilize multiple youth interests and talents – drawing, building, creating, photography, modelling, and fun. Split into small groups, youth picked one sub-category of the fashion show theme “Elements” – sun, moon, water, earth, fire, and air.

From there, groups designated a model, an announcer, and the design team to create an outfit inspired by one of the elements. See below for some photo highlights:

After sharing ideas, the “Air” team gets to work using materials provided
The “Sun” team creating the headpiece for their outfit
“Moon” team working together to create a piece inspired by Buzz Lightyear
Element-inspired outfits presented by AALEAD youth models.
From left to right: Moon, Air, Water, Sun, Fire

Thank you to AALEAD youth for bringing creative energy and excitement. Thank you to AALEAD families and guests for your continued support of youth and programming. Thank you to AALEAD staff for planning a memorable and joyous event. And finally, thank you to Mi La Cay for providing a delicious meal for the AALEAD family to enjoy together. See you next year!

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