MD Summer Intern: Beginning a New Chapter!

By Hiba Ahmed, MD Summer Program Intern
Photo Courtesy of Hiba Ahmed, MD Summer Program Intern


My name is Hiba Ahmed, and I am the new MD Summer Program Intern! Already feeling very welcomed and excited to join the team, I cannot wait to learn and make progress in such a strong team environment in the upcoming months.

I am currently a junior at the University of Maryland, College Park working to complete my double undergraduate degrees in English Language and Literature and Family Science.

Youth development has always been an extremely important focus and interest of mine since I was in middle school. Often, I was involved with various volunteer and after school activities growing up that allowed me to interact with youth as they reached major milestones of their lives. As youth grow and develop, they are exposed to a variety of environmental, societal, and cultural influences. While they learn to adapt to these factors of life and become successful and productive members of society, it is crucial that each and every member of the newer generations is exposed to the best opportunities available to reach their highest potential.

Among the youth, the Asian American community certainly has a special place in my heart. Coming from an Asian American background myself, I often found myself feeling unrecognized – not in my achievements – but in my need for help as I navigated my way through transitioning periods of my life.  Through this internship, I hope to gain an abundance of leadership experience that will help me develop and strengthen my voice for my future aspirations and also overall movement into adulthood. I also look forward to gaining exposure to the workings of non-profit organizations and all of the work, values, and planning involved with organizing events and promoting a mission that serves to improve the community. Above all else, I look forward to helping the youth of the Asian American community find their way as they transition into other phases of their lives while building their confidence and encouraging their strengths along the way.

I am thrilled to be working with the brilliant youth of our current generation and an amazing team that fights for these necessities. I cannot wait to get started to absorb and learn everything that I can along the way. Let the summer festivities begin!

**Learn more about our other Summer 2015 Interns here: Pallavi and Victor!**

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