MD AALEADers Visit Annapolis

By Antwoine Johnson, MD Middle School Program Coordinator
Photos Courtesy of AALEAD Staff

Despite the cold weather on the morning of Friday, March 27th, fourteen MD high school and middle school AALEADers were well prepared to travel to the city of Annapolis​, MD​. Upon our arrival, we ​made our way to the Maryland ​State House, located in the heart of Annapolis​.​​ To get there, we walked ​through Main Street, a scenic path with many shops and local attractions.

Inside the State House, AALEADers were greeted with a building full of history as we toured through the halls of the gathering place of the leaders of Maryland. The echos of predecessors long since past rang through the halls as we were told stories of previous senate meetings, George Washington’s humility and giving up his rights as ​Commander ​in​ ​Chief to the people, and also of the heroic deeds of​ men who fought bravely for America’s freedom.

After the tour, AALEADers were given a chance to sit in on a legislative session and AALEAD was even able to be recognized as the honored guest of Senator Susan Lee. Honored and humbled, AALEAD youth and staff stood, greeted the other senators​ and continued to watch as​ senators​ discussed current issues and bills such as the importance of small and local businesses.

After touring the State House, AALEADers proceeded to the United States ​Naval Academy, also located in Annapolis. There they were greeted by a student of the academy, James Lee, w​ho led students on a tour of campus. AALEADers saw many important buildings and markers on campus, including the Memorial Hall, located in the dormitory of the Naval Academy, which pays tribute to those fallen in battle ​all of​ the years the Naval Academy has existed. Some youth ​noted that they were interested in attending the Naval Academy to better themselves and to be able to serve the country they call home.

The tour came to an end and AALEADers traveled back to Montgomery County, exhausted from the walking, but instilled with a new sense of passion and understanding of their state’s capital.

Special thank you to Senator Susan Lee, Visitors Program Coordinator Patricia Harrison, State House Tour Guide Regina Todd, and Naval Academy student James Lee!

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