The Spirit of DC Programs

By Natie Hara, DC High School Program Coordinator

Photos Courtesy of AALEAD Youth

AALEAD youth define what AALEAD means to them!

“What does AALEAD mean to you?”  Paying homage to the history of DC AALEAD programs, we are building on the successes of our past and reflecting on this question by asking “What have you learned in AALEAD?” and “What are your hopes for this semester?”  Our youth come from over 10 different middle and high schools in Washington DC and have been in AALEAD anywhere from 1 week to almost 10 years.  I want to showcase the inspiring energy and spirit of DC AALEAD programs and share a glimpse of the impact AALEAD has had and continues to have on young people.

Youth artwork representing AALEAD

Artwork titled “In Bloom” 

Youth share acrostic poems

Thank you to all past and present staff and youth who have made this program what it is today!  As we continue virtual programming, we celebrate the successes of the past semesters and look to a bright and hope-filled future.  Because of our community, the energy and spirit of our program will always shine!

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