Tags: Summer

  • My Favorite AALEAD Moment, pt1.

    By: Pallavi Rudrataju, VA Middle School Program Coordinator; and Ha Nguyen, Development & Communications Associate

    Photo Courtesy of AALEAD Staff

    The Back to School season is finally upon us. Here at AALEAD, this is the time where our program staff work even more diligently together to kick off the AALEAD's After School and Mentoring Programs for the new

  • Summer Intern Spotlight: Sharon Rajadurai

    By: Sharon Rajadurai, VA Summer Program Intern Photos courtesy of Sharon Rajadurai Hello all! My name is Sharon Rajadurai and I am this summer’s Virginia Program Intern. I am so excited to be living in Virginia this summer and to be fulfilling this role to the best of my ability.

  • Aspire to LEAD 2018: Rooted in our past, creating our future

    By Ha Nguyen, Development and Communications Associate
    Photos and Videos Courtesy of AALEAD staff


    On April 6, 2018, we hosted our annual breakfast fundraiser Aspire to LEAD at the Top of the Town conference facility. This annual event is an opportunity for the AALEAD Board Members and Staff to gather with our community members and share with them the stories of our AALEAD youth.


    A Summer Never To Be Forgotten

    By Victor Romos, DC Middle & High School Summer Program Intern Photos Courtesy of AALEAD Staff Have you ever tried to keep 20 youths' attention during an activity for more than 10 minutes? It's hard. My summer with Asian American LEAD (AALEAD) was fant

  • So Long for Now, AALEAD!

    By Pallavi Rudraraju, DC Elementary School Summer Program Intern Photos Courtesy of AALEAD Staff I distinctly remember the emotions that washed over me when I received Tina’s e-mail offer to join the Asian American LEAD (AALEAD) team for the summer: shock, excitement, eagerness, and a little bit of nervousness. I was thrilled to accept for so many reasons, but mostly because working with AALEAD would mean combining two of my life goals: youth development through teaching and Asian American i

  • AALEAD Summer Internship Reflections

    By Hiba Ahmed, MD Summer Program Intern Photos Courtesy of AALEAD Staff

    My summer internship at Asian American LEAD (AALEAD) was a very exhilarating experience that I cannot wait to use in my f

  • AALEADers Explore STEM Careers at Verizon

    By Yuanlong, AALEAD DC Youth Photos Courtesy of Mario Acosta-Velez, Verizon, & Tina Ngo, AALEAD Staff Last Tuesday, the Asian American LEAD (AALEAD) DC Middle & High School Summer Program had the opportunity to visit one of Verizon’s central DC facilities. We had already kicked off the summer at Verizon’s DC headquarters by learning about Ki Wilson (a Verizon staff member and AALEAD Board Member) and his career pathway and were excited to see all the technology that he mentioned

  • Arts and the Community

    By Antwoine Johnson, MD Middle School Program Coordinator Photos Courtesy of AALEAD Staff Community is an aspect of life that is embedded in every culture and manifests itself in many ways. To engage the community, to be part of it in such a way as to help it thrive and grow is a privilege and a responsibility. Asian American LEAD youth, this past week, focused on how to make the community grow through art and music which ended with a trip to the Baltimore Museum of Art. Groups 4 and 5 took th

  • AALEAD MD Summer Serve: First Week

    By Melor Suhaimi, MD Programs Manager Photos Courtesy of AALEAD Staff The 2014 - 2015 school year wrapped up quickly, but MD AALEADers jumped right into the summer program at AALEAD's MD Summer Serve. Located at Parkland Middle School in Rockville, MD, AALEAD high school youth kicked off the week on Monday, getting to know each other through fun icebreakers, received more information on college, and began planning for AALEAD's Youth Summit, which will take place at the end of July. Every Mond

  • DC MS & HS Summer Intern Reporting for Duty!

    By Victor Romos, DC Middle & High School Summer Program Intern Photos Courtesy of Victor Romos Greetings! My name is Victor Romos, and I am this year's DC Middle & High School Summer Program Intern. I am a Communications student at the University of California, Davis. I am originally from Santa Rosa, California, but I love Washington, DC, so I am thrilled to be working with the community in the area.

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