Tags: Mentoring Program

  • A Young Person on Her Mentor

    By Han L., Current AALEAD Youth and Vi Bui, Mentoring & Volunteer Programs Coordinator Photo Courtesy of AALEAD Staff

    Han came to the U.S. from Vietnam as a middle schooler, has a passion for film, and was recently a Youth Program Coordinator during the VA Summer Program, MIC CHECK. I first met Han at Annanda

  • Unmasking Identity: Supporting Asian American Youth

    by Neel Saxena, Executive Director Photos Courtesy of Neel Saxena & Bitmoji Today is Halloween, one of my favorite “holidays” because it was a time in my life as a youth to be able to define for myself how I wanted the world to see me and emulate a favorite character and see someone I did

  • Reflections of a Community College Program Coordinator

    by Freidricka Camille, Community College and Internship Programs Coordinator Photos Courtesy of AALEAD Staff With the fall weather in full swing, it is hard to believe that it has been nearly a month since I started office hours at Montgomery College in Rockville. I have “met” and communicated with

  • Celebrating AALEAD’s Volunteers

    By Vi Bui, Mentoring & Volunteer Programs Coordinator Photos Courtesy of AALEAD Staff Here at Asian American LEAD (AALEAD), volunteers are a crucial resource to our youth development work. In some cases, such as with the mentoring program, we literally would not be able to provide these opportunities to our youth without the commitment of our volunteer mentors. Last April, we celebrated National Volunteer Month

  • Stories that Envision, Create, Transform

    By Neel Saxena, Executive Director Photos Courtesy of Saadia Ahmed On March 22, 2017, AALEAD hosted the Aspire to LEAD fundraising event at Top of the Town in Arlington, VA. This was AALEAD's 4th such fundraiser and my first as Executive Director. Last year I was behind the scenes and this year I had the incredible opportunity to join our youth in sharing our often overlooked stories as Asian Pacific Americans. This year's theme was Envision, Create, Transform. For our youth, staff, mentors

  • Starting a New Adventure with AALEAD

    By Vi Bui, Mentoring and Volunteer Programs Coordinator Photos Courtesy of Vi Bui My name is Vi and I am AALEAD’s new Mentoring and Volunteer Programs Coordinator. I am really excited to start this incredibly important and valuable work and wanted to take some time to introduce myself to the community. I was born and raised in the State of Delaware. Not to be confused with the city in Ohio or the county in Pennsylvania. You’ve probably never been there, driven through it on I-95, do

  • Reminders at the End of National Mentoring Month

    By Stephanie Lim, Mentoring & Volunteer Programs Coordinator Photos Courtesy of Stephanie Lim This past week marked many celebrations. As we wrap up National Mentoring Month at AALEAD, I'm glad to have the opportunity to publicly appreciate our Mentors, whose victories and accomplishments occur in conversations, laughter, and moments of sharing with their mentees. [caption id="attachment_14788" align="alignleft" width="329"]

    National Mentoring Month Highlight: Eugene K.

    By Eugene K., Current VA Youth Mentee Photo Courtesy of Eugene [caption id="attachment_14766" align="aligncenter" width="865"]NMM 2017 Eugene Eugene (right) with this mentor, Dave (left)[/caption] This last youth mentee spotlight this month comes from Eugene, who is dual-enrolled in our Mentoring Program and our VA aft

  • #AALEADFam is Forever

    By Tina Ngo, Mentoring & Volunteer Programs Manager Photos Courtesy of AALEAD Staff There have been many things that I've learned over the course of my time at Asian American LEAD (AALEAD), but one lesson in particular will always stand out to me. During an after school program session, a young person and I had a discussion about choices and how a single decision can create a ripple effect. I'll never forget this conversation because AALEAD youth speak truth: the choices that we make imp

  • National Mentoring Month Highlight: Sue G.

    By Sue G., Current MD Youth Mentee Photo Courtesy of Shanice Lo, MD Middle School Program Coordinator We are halfway through National Mentoring Month, and I am excited to share another account of one of our youth mentees! This week's post comes from Sue G., who is an active member of our MD Programs. I first met Sue when I visited her after-school program in Fall 2015. I remember being nervous, as it was one of my first Maryland site visits. But, I also remember Sue putting me at ease wi

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