Tags: MD High School Program

  • Spring Reflections

    By YLan Nguyen, MD Programs Intern Photos Courtesy of YLan Nguyen, MD Programs Intern Hi everyone, my name is YLan Nguyen and I am AALEAD’s MD Programs Intern for the spring 2016 semester. Currently, I am a senior at the University of Maryland studying psychology and Asian American Studies. For the duration of my internship, I’ll be at Wheaton High School’s and Julius West Middle School’s after school programs. Iâ

  • AALEAD Takes On Camping

    By Ari Pak, MD High School Program Coordinator Photos Courtesy of Chelsea Iorlano, Development & Communications Associate Summer break means six weeks of engaging and fun summer programs for MD AALEADers! Before MD summer p

  • Youth Media Project: Upstanding Upload

    By Sharon Choi, Development & Communications Manager Aaannd, AALEADers are back with their second youth media project! We partnered again with the Gandhi Brigade to mobilize youth to create film projects around cyber civility. Last year, our youth created two videos around stereotypes and 

    MD High School Youth Council: Doing Meetings Right

    By Ari Pak, MD High School Program Coordinator Photo Courtesy of Ari Pak What did you do this past weekend? When asked this question, the first thing that comes to my mind is the inspiring and energizing AALEAD MD High School Youth Council meeting that I attended. I know what you’re thinking; how could a meeting be inspiring and energizing? Aren’t meetings usually filled with monotonous lists and reports, pencil tapping, and clock-watching? Let me tell you, I left this meeting filled with e

  • MD High School Programs Off to a Running Start!

    By Ari Pak, MD High School Program Coordinator Photos Courtesy of AALEAD Staff AALEAD's MD High School Program kicked off last week and the generative momentum for the coming year is already impressive. On our first day of programs at both Einstein and Blair High School, youth participated in a contest focusing on teamwork and leadership skills. They were tasked to work together to build a tall structure with a limited number of building materials.

    New MD High School Staff Introduction: Ari Pak

    [caption id="attachment_9914" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="The group at the wonderful Eid celebration from last Friday, organized by the amazing Eid Squad! Photo Credit: AALEAD Youth"]
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