Tags: Identity

  • DC ES Summer Program Week 1: We’re all about Ohana!

    By Charles Kuo, DC Elementary School Program Coordinator and Pallavi Rudraraju, DC Elementary School Program Intern Photos Courtesy of AALEAD Staff

    ‘Ohana: family, derived from oha (taro plant); ohana refers to how we all come from the same root
    Summer has arrived and the DC Elementary School  Summer Program is underway! This year the DC Elementary School will be celebrating the meaning of Ohana. Ohana is the Hawaiian word for family. It mea

  • Bancroft Bulletin: AALEAD Heroes of K-2nd Grade Honored in Mt. Pleasant Youth Arts Fair

    By Madeline Sumida, Elementary Program Teacher & Site Coordinator Photos Courtesy of Madeline Sumida

    The Kindergarten through second grade AALEAD team earned artistic accolades for the class submission to the 15th Annual Mt. Pleasant Youth Arts Fair. At a special reception held at the Mount Pleasant Neighborhood Library, judges announced that the AALEAD artwork had earned 15 out of 15 possible points and a prominent display in the children’s section

  • Thomson Tales: AALEAD Flea Market

    By Justin Fogata, Elementary Program Teacher Photos Courtesy of Justin Fogata

    “Education either functions as an instrument which is used to facilitate integration of the younger generation into the logic of the present system and bring about conformity or it becomes the practice of freedom, the means by which [youth can] deal critically and creatively with reality and discover how to participate in the transformation of their world.”  -Paulo Freire
    The 4th
  • AALEADers Meet with Varun Ram!

    By Sharon Choi & Chelsea Iorlano, AALEAD Staff Photos Courtesy of AALEAD Staff

    Last Friday, May 8, AALEADers had an amazing opportunity to meet with the Un

  • Bancroft Bulletin: Little Things Make a Big Difference

    By Madeline Sumida, Elementary Program Teacher & Site Coordinator Photos Courtesy of Madeline Sumida The Bancroft Kindergarten through second grade crew learned that the smallest creatures do some of the most important jobs on the planet. We kicked off the unit with an April Fools Day gag. I taught a mini lesson on earthworms—how these animals help make good soil by ingesting soil and enriching the soil with their excrement. Then I brought out some little cups filled with dirt and told th

  • Reflecting through Art – AALEADers participate in CACA Art Contest

    Some of our AALEAD students have been hard at work these past few months creating original works of art for submission to the Chinese American Citizens Alliance (CACA) 2015 National Art Competition.

    AALEADers attend “Fresh Off the Boat” Sneak Preview

    By Shobana Modur, DC Middle and High School Program Coordinator Photos courtesy of AALEAD staff Last Wednesday evening, a couple of DC AALEAD students and staff were invited to attend a special screening of the upcoming television series, "Fresh off the Boat" at the Newseum.  It is the first Asian-American sitcom in 20 years! Based off Eddie Huang's memoir of the same title, "Fresh off the Boat" tells the story of a Taiwanese family moving from their home in Washington, D.C. to Orlando, FL an

  • AALEADers at Terrapinoy Day!

    By Ari Pak, MD High School Program Coordinator Photos By Filipino Cultural Association of the University of Maryland This past Saturday, AALEADers participated in Terrapinoy Day, an annual exploration of identity, culture, and leadership for middle and high school students hosted by the University of Maryland’s Filipino Cultural Association (FCA). AALEAD was represented by four high school and three middle school youth who boldly engaged in workshops on cultural identity exploration, leadersh

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