Tags: Family

  • It Takes a Circus To Raise a Child

    By: Vi Bui, Youth Mentoring & Volunteer Programs Coordinator Photos courtesy of AALEAD Staff After a week of rainstorms around DC, the Mentoring Programs end of the year barbecue scheduled for this past Saturday had to be canceled. To our luck, we had the chance through charity Tickets For Kids to attend Cirque du Soleil Luzia at Tysons II instead! Although it was last minute change and at a different time than our original planned group even

  • Top 10 Reasons to Join AALEAD!!!

    By Shaima Ahmad, VA Programs Manager Photo Courtesy of AALEAD Staff It is the start to a new school year, only a few weeks in, and programs have launched slowly but surely in FCPS. When asked why they have joined AALEAD, both new and returning AALEADers joined in the conversation and mapped out expectations for this year...

    Top 10 Reasons to Join AALEAD

    1) Exploring New Cultures (especially through FOOD)

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