Tags: Educational Empowerment

  • National Mentoring Month Highlight: Eugene K.

    By Eugene K., Current VA Youth Mentee Photo Courtesy of Eugene [caption id="attachment_14766" align="aligncenter" width="865"]NMM 2017 Eugene Eugene (right) with this mentor, Dave (left)[/caption] This last youth mentee spotlight this month comes from Eugene, who is dual-enrolled in our Mentoring Program and our VA aft

  • National Mentoring Month Highlight: Sue G.

    By Sue G., Current MD Youth Mentee Photo Courtesy of Shanice Lo, MD Middle School Program Coordinator We are halfway through National Mentoring Month, and I am excited to share another account of one of our youth mentees! This week's post comes from Sue G., who is an active member of our MD Programs. I first met Sue when I visited her after-school program in Fall 2015. I remember being nervous, as it was one of my first Maryland site visits. But, I also remember Sue putting me at ease wi

  • National Mentoring Month Highlight: Tommy L.

    By Tommy L., Current DC Youth Mentee Photo Courtesy of Stephanie Lim, Mentoring & Volunteer Programs Coordinator Happy National Mentoring Month! It has been such a joy building relationships with our wonderful youth mentees, learning about their interests, passions, and goals. Every January, I have the unique opportunity to reflect on the larger meaning of the work I do with the supremely gracious, thoughtful, talented, hilarious and warm young people in AALEAD's Mentoring Program. I

  • The Return of the Youth to AALEAD VA

    By Yonsoo Kang, VA Programs Coordinator Photo Courtesy by AALEAD Staff   Hello again! AALEAD VA Summer Horizons finished with an amazing trip to Six Flags after six weeks of fun and intense activities. [caption id="attachment_14489" align="aligncenter" width="800"]

  • Eugenia’s AALEAD Volunteer Journey

    By Eugenia, AALEAD Volunteer Photo Courtesy of Chelsea Iorlano, Development & Communications Associate The AALEAD Volunteer Journey Becoming a member of AALEAD this summer was one of the best decisio

  • AALEAD: A Second Home

    By Charles Kuo, DC Elementary School Program Coordinator Photos Courtesy of AALEAD Staff Mr. Charles helps Selena with homework

  • AALEAD Park Clean-Up: Lessons Learned

    By Diane Bui, Yonsoo Kang, and Stephanie Lim, AALEAD staff Photos Courtesy of AALEAD Staff On Saturday, April 16th, AALEADers in DC, Maryland, and Virginia participated in our annual Park Clean-Up event. We all spent the morning learning about the value of community service, the importance of recycling, and the choices we can make as individuals and communities to protect the Earth from harm. [caption id="attachment_14131" align="aligncenter" width="1024"]

    Networking AALEAD Style

    By Yonsoo Kang, VA Middle School Program Coordinator Photos Courtesy of Yonsoo Kang Hello hello! Spring is finally here and my allergies are not acting up for the first time in my life! Our youth in VA had some interesting experiences during February and March. In February, we learned about famous Black activists, artists, and leaders in the US and around the world during Black History Month. In March, VA Programs Intern Eileen and I helped our youth to become young professionals by expos

  • Beyond Our Borders: AALEAD at ECAASU ’16

    By Dia Bui, DC Middle and High School Program Coordinator

    Photos courtesy of Dia Bui


  • My Education Matters

    By Charles Kuo, DC Elementary School Program Coordinator Photos Courtesy of AALEAD Staff Transitions are difficult at any age. During transitional periods, we are faced with making decisions that most definitely affect our futures. The process of changing from one state to another can produce stress and anxiety. One of the biggest transitions a youth faces is the transition from el

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