Tags: DC Elementary School Program

  • Thomson Tales: AALEAD Flea Market

    By Justin Fogata, Elementary Program Teacher Photos Courtesy of Justin Fogata

    “Education either functions as an instrument which is used to facilitate integration of the younger generation into the logic of the present system and bring about conformity or it becomes the practice of freedom, the means by which [youth can] deal critically and creatively with reality and discover how to participate in the transformation of their world.”  -Paulo Freire
    The 4th
  • Bancroft Bulletin: Little Things Make a Big Difference

    By Madeline Sumida, Elementary Program Teacher & Site Coordinator Photos Courtesy of Madeline Sumida The Bancroft Kindergarten through second grade crew learned that the smallest creatures do some of the most important jobs on the planet. We kicked off the unit with an April Fools Day gag. I taught a mini lesson on earthworms—how these animals help make good soil by ingesting soil and enriching the soil with their excrement. Then I brought out some little cups filled with dirt and told th

  • Reflecting through Art – AALEADers participate in CACA Art Contest

    Some of our AALEAD students have been hard at work these past few months creating original works of art for submission to the Chinese American Citizens Alliance (CACA) 2015 National Art Competition.

    DC Park Clean-up: Doing Our Share

    By Tina Ngo, AALEAD Staff Photos Courtesy of AALEAD Staff This past Saturday, DC AALEAD youth, mentors, volunteers, staff, and our friends at CAPAL<

  • Reflections On My AALEAD Internship

    By Dong Zhou, DC Elementary School Program Intern Photos Courtesy of April Kim, DC Elementary School Program Teacher The time passed by so fast. I can't believe my fall internship is ending! This was my first internship ever, and I received many unique experiences from it. First of all, I am touched by Asian American LEAD (AALEAD) staff members. They have fully dedicated themselves to the community that we serve, and they treat each other like family. Working with these wonderful people gave m

  • Thomson Tales: Thanking our Veterans

    By Charles Kuo, DC Elementary School Program Site Coordinator & Parent Outreach Coordinator Photos Courtesy of AALEAD Staff AALEAD introduces “Thomson Tales”! In this blog series, you will be enlightened with the latest happenings at our DC Elementary School Program at Thomson Elementary School. Now take a deep breath… and prepare to be amazed!

  • Thomson Tales: An Art Exhibition!

    By  Charles Kuo, DC Elementary School Program Site Coordinator & Parent Outreach Coordinator Photos Courtesy of Micah Shearer, AALEAD Staff AALEAD introduces “Thomson Tales”! In this blog series, you will be enlightened with the latest happenings at our DC Elementary School Program at Thomson Elementary School. Now take a deep breath… and prepare to be amazed! [caption id="attachment_10288" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="AALEADers work o

  • Intern Introduction: Greetings from Dong!

    By Dong Zhou, DC Elementary School Program Intern Photo Courtesy of Dong Zhou, DC Elementary School Program Intern Hello everyone, my name is Dong Zhou, and I am Asian American LEAD's (AALEAD) Fall 2014 DC Elementary School Program Intern! I am currently a college student studying Education at American University. This fall, I am a part of the Washington Mentorship Program, which gives me the chance to intern twice a week to explore my interests and get experiences outside of the classroom.

  • Goodbye for Now, AALEAD!

    By Alex Neeley, DC Elementary School Program Intern Photo Courtesy of AALEAD Staff As the DC Elementary School Summer Program came to a close, I sat in a classroom recalling the past five weeks. Where had all the time gone? It seemed like it was just yesterday that I was sitting in a circle in the Tiger Class, imploring the students to take part in an icebreaker. Now as the program comes to an end, it amazes me how many fun experiences we have had together and how quickly I have built relations

  • Reflections on My AALEAD Summer

    By Laura Ma, DC Elementary School Program Intern Photos Courtesy of AALEAD Staff My seven week internship with Asian American LEAD's (AALEAD) Elementary  School Program has been - to put it frankly - awesome. Although the time was short, I felt comfortable very quickly with all of the staff, teachers, and kids. I was hopeful about this internship when I left my semester of study in Shanghai not only because I would be able to continue using my Chinese, but also because I would be able to inter

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