Tags: Community Service

  • Deck the Halls with AALEADers!

    By Jin, AALEAD DC Student Photos Courtesy of Tina Ngo, AALEAD Staff This past weekend, seven AALEAD Mentoring Program pairs celebrated the holidays by participating in our first ever Mentoring Program Holiday Fair! From making gingerbread houses to decorating cards for our troops and even posing in some silly photos at our makeshift Holiday Photo Booth, mentors and mentees had a wonderful time getting to know one another and sharing some holiday cheer. Check out a poem about the event from one

  • Gifts for the Homeless Clothing Drive

    By Keo Xiong, MD Middle School Program Coordinator Photos Courtesy of AALEAD Staff

    In the United States, 2.5 million children under 18 years old were homeless in 2013, according to a new report, “America’s Youngest Outcasts,” published by the
  • An Accomplished Morning!

    By Yuanlong, AALEAD DC Student Photos Courtesy of Alex Jue, AALEAD Mentor & Tina Ngo, AALEAD Staff

    Asian American LEAD (AALEAD) focuses on three different outcomes: Educational Empowerment, Identity Development, and Leadership. Every year, our youth work towards their leadership goals by participating in various community service activities across the greater DC Metro area. From creating cards for our veterans in the armed forces to volunteering at local hom

  • Thomson Tales: Thanking our Veterans

    By Charles Kuo, DC Elementary School Program Site Coordinator & Parent Outreach Coordinator Photos Courtesy of AALEAD Staff AALEAD introduces “Thomson Tales”! In this blog series, you will be enlightened with the latest happenings at our DC Elementary School Program at Thomson Elementary School. Now take a deep breath… and prepare to be amazed!

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