Tags: AALEAD Summer

  • What Have You Discovered?

    By Katie Watanabe, DC ES Summer Program Intern Photos Courtesy of Chelsea Iorlano, Development & Communications Associate After five weeks of excitement, education, and empowerment, our DC Elementary School Summer Program concluded with a closing ceremony called Discovery Day at Thomson Elementary School last Friday. Our youth displayed the numerous projects that they have been working on all summer, from commu

  • 3 Ways Youth Broaden Their Horizons with AALEAD VA

    By Ha Nguyen, VA Summer Program Intern Photos Courtesy of AALEAD Staff “A person can grow only as much as his horizon allows.” – John Powell For the past four weeks of summer, VA middle & high school youth have gathered together and opened themselves up to new ideas and experiences through AALEAD's VA Summer Program. You can probably guess from the hints above that the theme for our VA Summer Program this year is none other than “Summer Horizons!” For youth, expandi

  • DC Summer Program Torpedoes its Way Through the Factory!

    By Yuanlong, AALEAD Youth Photos Courtesy of Yingzhi, AALEAD Youth

    On the DC Middle & High School Summer Program’s first field trip, we traveled to the Torpedo Factory, located in Alexandria, VA, to learn more about the different variations of art and the people behind all the amazing work. AALEADers explored the factory to experience the wide variety of art and had the opportunity to meet many inspiring artists along the way. We also did a Q&A with artist

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