[Intern Spotlight] Welcome Salena & Chris!

By Salena Chaudhry, Mentoring Program Intern and Chris Chung, Volunteer Program Intern

Photo courtesy by AALEAD Staff

As you might already know, April is officially recognized as National Volunteer Month. Since February, AALEAD Youth Mentoring & Volunteer Programs have worked with two amazing individuals: Salena Chaudhry as Mentoring Program Intern and Chris Chung as Volunteer Program Intern. For the past few months, Salena & Chris have been supporting AALEAD with mentoring and volunteer programs activities, administration, and execution. Let’s join us this week in getting to know more about Salena & Chris!

Photo courtesy by Salena Chaudhry

Tell us a little bit about yourself, Salena!

Hello Everyone!! My name is Salena Chaudhry and I am a Mentoring Spring intern at AALEAD! I am a rising junior at University of Maryland, College Park. I am perusing a degree in Public Policy and minoring in Arabic Studies. Outside of college, I enjoy volunteering, binge watching Netflix and traveling with friends and family!

How did you learn about AALEAD? So far, what is your favorite part about being a Mentoring Program Intern?

I learned about this exciting opportunity by emailing Vi, AALEAD Youth Mentoring & Volunteer Programs Coordinator, and had originally wanted to volunteer here! What I enjoy most about this internship is meeting and interact with the staff, volunteers, mentees, and mentors. One of my favorite events would be attending A Day of Service and Mentoring. At this event, I had an opportunity to talk to the youth and witnessed how AALEAD provides the tools necessary for the youth to thrive and become the best version of themselves.

What are you most passionate about?’

Three things: First, Global Poverty I can remember being young and understanding poverty. Growing up I have come across individuals, who don’t have the basic needs such as water, food, education. I believe witnessing this helped spark this passion for Global Poverty.  Second would be my family and friends, coming from a large family and being the oldest of five, has made me realize the importance of family. My friends and family have supported me and helped me become the person I am today. Lastly, traveling I love exploring new places and meeting new faces.  

What is your favorite quote and why?

My favorite quote would be, “The unexamined life is not worth living” by Socrates! This is my favorite, for I believe in questioning everything.

What do you like to do in your spare time?

In my spare time, I enjoy exploring new places, seeking out opportunities and hanging out with my friends and family. I occasionally enjoy binge-watching Netflix!

Photo courtesy by Chris Chung

Tell us a little bit about yourself, Chris!

I am currently a freshman at New York University, majoring in International Relations and minoring in Korean. In August of 2018, I moved from California to Washington DC to attend my first year in college at NYU’s DC site, and in my second semester, I am also here interning with AALEAD!

How did you learn about AALEAD?

I learned about AALEAD by researching Asian American organizations/programs in the DC area, which led me to AALEAD’s website. Before I moved to DC for college, I volunteered at my church’s Korean language school and taught preschoolers and kindergartners the basics of the Korean language. This was my way of helping my local Asian American community. When I moved here, I still wanted to help the Asian American community, but here in the DC area. So, I researched organizations and came upon AALEAD!

What is your favorite part about being a Volunteer Program Intern?

My favorite part about being a Volunteer Intern is creating flyers, banners, or any posters that the organization may need. When making these, I’m able to showcase my creativity and new ideas. I also enjoy visiting AALEAD’s after-school program sites. So far, I have visited the DC High School program at Mt. Pleasant Neighborhood Library and the DC Elementary School program at Bancroft ES. Every time I visit, I love witnessing the youth having fun and taking advantage of the opportunities that AALEAD provides them.

What are you most passionate about?

I am most passionate about helping others and doing volunteer work. Ever since I was in high school, I enjoyed going out and volunteering with different organizations, which led me to now become a leader of my school’s ServiceCorps.

If you could invite 5 people to dinner, dead or alive, real or fictional, who would they be & Why?

I would invite Ryu Gwan-Sun because she was one of the admiral leaders of Korea’s March 1st Movement against Japanese colonial rule, Michael Scott and Dwight Schrute because they are two of my favorite television personalities, and my two grandparents who I have yet to meet.

What do you like to do in your spare time?

In my spare time, I love to be with my family! Now that I am in college and busy throughout the week, it’s harder to find time for my family. So, whenever I have any free time, I try to spend it visiting my family.

Thank you, Salena & Chris, for volunteering their time and commitment to support AALEAD Programs this spring.

Want to intern with us? Stay tuned here for upcoming updates about our 2019 summer internships!

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