Message from the ED: Powerful Summer Days

Summer is always the best time at  AALEAD.  Our youth get to be in  programs for full days for a more in-depth experience, and go on field trips once a week to broaden their horizons.

This year we have been running 3  powerful programs: AALEAD Ohana for  elementary school youth in DC (“Ohana  means family), Maryland Summer Serve  for Montgomery County middle and high school youth, and the DC Middle and High School Youth summer program.  Through these programs, we are serving a record 200 youth!

More than ever, we have witnessed youth leadership grow to the next level.  High school youth have been leading workshops for middle school youth and both middle and high school youth have led workshops for elementary school youth.  It’s amazing to see younger youth inspired by their older peers, as well as to see older youth realize the impact they can have on younger youth and each other.

For high school youth, all of this is culminating in this upcoming Saturday’s 4th Annual APA Youth Summit.  High school youth from DC, MD, and VA have been getting together every Monday to plan this Summit for themselves and the community.  Check out this video the youth have put together!

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