Mentoring Event Recap

By: Hannah Cheyney & Mei Tomko

July has been a fun and  successful month for Asian American LEAD’s Mentoring Program. We received many new applications from mentees and mentors and successfully matched one new pair from Maryland.

Sebastian and James

In other news, the Mentoring Program hosted our very first Pair Bonding Event of the summer. Pairs met at The Escape Game in Georgetown where they teamed up to solve Dr. Whack’s Elixir of Life, the most difficult room on site. The group had to work as a team to solve puzzles, find clues, and  listen to others’ ideas, etc. in order to find all of the clues to escape the room. With 17 minutes to spare and only two hints used, the group escaped the room successfully!

Escape Room in DC

For the rest of the summer, pairs will be meeting up on their own to attend community events like Jazz in the Garden or the Lotus and Water Lily Festival, and preparing for the start of the school year.

Lastly, mentor and mentee applications are still open! If you are looking for a flexible opportunity to build an impactful relationship with a youth or want one-on-one support from a caring adult like an older sibling,  join our program! Youth have many opportunities to earn SSL hours and attend field trips like these escape rooms. Mentors have a chance to support and bond with a youth in the DMV.

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