Mentor and Family Appreciation Potluck: An Afternoon of Building Community

By Freidricka Camille, Community College and Internship Programs Coordinator

Photos Courtesy of AALEAD Staff

In honor of National Mentoring Month, AALEAD hosted a Mentor and Appreciation Potluck this past weekend. The Mentoring Team organized the event with the purpose of recognizing the youth mentors and community college mentors, whose commitment and support for the development of young people make the mentoring program possible. With the adage “food brings people together” in mind, we hoped to build community and bridge both of AALEAD’s mentoring programs, namely the community college mentoring program and the youth mentoring program.

Photo highlights of the day reveal the connection between mentors and mentees, the creation of new and fond memories, and the deepening bonds not only between mentors and mentees but also that of their relationship with other pairs within both programs. Read on below to check out some of the day’s photos and highlights!


Community college coach Nancy P. shares words of reflection on her relationship with her mentee Yuqiong L. They have been paired since Yuqiong’s years in high school.


Youth mentee Sherry C. shares heartwarming words of appreciation for her mentor Stephanie T.


No AALEAD event would be complete without an energizer and icebreaker where youth, mentors, and family members get to know each other!


A team building activity to build the tallest standing structure!


Exploring the SELFIE Mirror!


Mixing, mingling, and strengthening bonds through games, friendship bracelets, and art appreciation!


A group photo of the community college mentoring program!


A group photo of the youth mentoring program!


Special thanks to our community partners for the donations and event support:

American University’s AU^2 Interest Sorority


iStrategyLabs (ISL)

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