Maryland Youth Council Leads MD Day

By: Grace, Tony, Vy, Mylieni, and Kairi, Maryland Youth Council Members

Photos Courtesy of Maryland Youth Council & MD Community Advocacy Intern

This year, AALEAD youth continue to creatively hone their leadership skills during virtual programs. Maryland Youth Council leaders reflect on their experiences planning and facilitating MD Day for their program peers!

MD Day is a day in which people can come together and have fun during these times, even if they are struggling through this pandemic. This MD Day was specifically Christmas/winter themed, seeing as it was held a few days before Christmas. This event also had a twist in it because since gatherings are prohibited we couldn’t physically come together for a normal event. So we had to do it online, but it still went well. 

We hoped to hang out and laugh with others while forgetting about school and the stress that comes with it. We also hoped to have fun during this event (which we succeeded in doing). The planning process was fun, as well as making the poster. (Did you see the dog crawling up the Christmas tree?) And then seeing all our hard work being used during the event was really nice. Some highlights of the event include the pictionary, the criminally difficult Kahoot, and Among Us. Basically, we got together and had fun. Ta-da! Ɛ> 

Maryland Day Poster

MD Youth Council Members & Staff

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