Maryland Social Event

By Shanice Lo, Maryland Middle School Program Coordinator

Photos Courtesy of Mecca McPherson


On March 30th, during the Maryland School Spring Break. AALEAD High School and Middle School Youth are invited to attend the MD Bowling Party. This event is a reward for youth who have had excellent attendance of 80% or better at AALEAD programs. We appreciate youth continually coming to programs and sharing their stories and experience with us.

The party was held at the TerpZone, at the University of Maryland, College Park campus. Youth not only were able to meet lots of new friends from different schools but also expand upon their social engagement through involvement in leisurely competitive and non-competitive activities, such as bowling and video games (Wii, Wii U, Xbox, PS4). We ended the event with so much fun, laughter, and excitement!

We will have lots of fun field trips, workshops, and activities in our AALEAD Summer Origins 2018. If you want to get more information about the summer program, please contact your program coordinators!  



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