Hannah’s Welcome

By Hannah Casey, VA Middle School Program Coordinator

Photo courtesy of Hannah Casey 

Hi everyone! My name is Hannah, and I am the new VA Middle School Program Coordinator. 

As I was commencing my job search after being unable to return to my previous position due to Covid, I made two lists: “Things I Like” and “Things That Annoy Me” 

The “Things I Like” list reads as follows:

1. Being active

2. Learning about new cultures/ interacting with people of different backgrounds/ learning new languages

3. Feeling like I’m a part of something positive and meaningful

4. Helping youth learn and grow 

5. Being in a position to give support to those who need it 

6. Dogs/ art/ art of dogs 

As for the “Things That Annoy Me” list, along with Matthew McConaughey and People Who Don’t Use Their Blinkers, I had things like: the school system’s focus on grades over growth, the lack of spaces for youth to explore and affirm their different identities, and the difficulties and stereotypes that APA individuals face. 

Last year, I was an English teacher for first year university students at Khon Kaen University (KKU) in northeastern Thailand. During my fellowship at KKU, I was able to learn about Thai culture, travel throughout Asia, and learn to speak and read the Thai language. 

After realizing I would not be returning to KKU, I knew that I wanted a position that would build off my experiences in Thailand while also incorporating the things I like and striving to change the things that annoy me– AALEAD to a T. I am so excited to join the team and get going!  

If you were wondering what I was like in 8th grade… 
11 year old me would probably beat current me in a game of 1-on-1 
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