Fiesta Asia Dance Practice Underway

By Melor Suhaimi, MD Programs Manager
Photos Courtesy of AALEAD Staff

This past Saturday, some of our youth from our MD, DC, and VA programs gathered at Joy of Motion Dance Center in Washington, D.C. to practice for the dance that AALEAD youth will perform at this year’s Fiesta Asia.  The youth that attended Saturday’s meeting are known as this year’s “Fiesta Asia Lead Choreographers.”  These youth have worked hard in the last few weeks to create their own choreography to music that they personally chose.  For the past few weeks, Program Coordinators have worked with their individual “Fiesta Asia Lead Choreographers” to polish the choreography for their song.  This year’s performance will include a mash-up of music from Japanese pop, Korean pop, and Bollywood genres.  AALEAD youth have included dance styles that range from hip-hop to modern dance.

The process of having youth lead choreography has allowed AALEADers to take ownership of this large performance that will take place in Washington D.C. in May in front of many spectators.  “Fiesta Asia Lead Choreographers” will be teaching the entire dance to their AALEAD peers on program days leading up to the final performance.  Not only has this encouraged  AALEADers to take on a leadership role, but it has also brought together youth from MD, DC, and VA programs to work cohesively in leading a dance performance.  There are still many more weeks until Fiesta Asia, but our “Fiesta Asia Lead Choreographers” have taken the lead in starting the process!  Stay tuned for updates in the next few months as large practices are held over the weekend for all AALEADers to start practicing for what will be an awesome performance!

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