Young Professionals Giving Society

GIVE | GROW | EMPOWERjoin-tday

The Young Professionals Giving Society is a community of AALEAD supporters under the age of 35 who have made a long-term financial commitment to support youth in the DC Metro area.

Why should I become a giving society member?
When you GIVE at a giving society level you play an important role in supporting Asian American LEAD’s programs for low-income and underserved youth. You help to sustain programs that positively impact youth.

What does it really mean to be a giving society member?
You will be building connections within the DC Metro area with like-minded young professionals interested in philanthropy as they GROW in their careers. Giving society members give $25/month for 1, 3, or 5 years.

What impact will I have as a giving society member?
Your support EMPOWERS the community by sustaining educational enrichment programs and culturally-sensitive guidance for low-income & underserved APA youth.

Current Young Professionals Giving Society Members


Giving Society Levels

Elementary School Sponsor Level, is a pledge of $25/month for one year. Your gift helps to support one educational field trip for a classroom in an After School Program.

Middle School Sponsor Level, is a pledge of $25/month for three years. Your gift helps in many ways, like sustaining educational workshops for youth on college prep & careers for three years.

High School Sponsor Level, is a pledge of $25/month for five years. Your gift helps in many ways, like helping youth become leaders by supporting and sustaining leadership workshops and leadership opportunities for five years.

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