DC Summer Program Torpedoes its Way Through the Factory!

By Yuanlong, AALEAD Youth
Photos Courtesy of Yingzhi, AALEAD Youth

On the DC Middle & High School Summer Program’s first field trip, we traveled to the Torpedo Factory, located in Alexandria, VA, to learn more about the different variations of art and the people behind all the amazing work. AALEADers explored the factory to experience the wide variety of art and had the opportunity to meet many inspiring artists along the way. We also did a Q&A with artists followed by a scavenger hunt. Through this field trip, AALEADers were inspired to do big things, just like the artists they met.

All youth were separated into teams at the beginning of the summer program, namely: “Team SWAG”, “Furious Five”, “Rice Cookers”, and “Team Sugoi”. Each group was sent to interview different artists and to conduct a Q&A session, where the artists shared with the teams their careers and what inspired them to pursue art.

After the Q&A, , it was time for the SCAVENGER HUNT! In this scavenger hunt, every group was given a list of objectives they must complete, which consisted of photos and videos of certain things around the factory. One of the most embarrassing but fun things the AALEADers had to do was re­enact the Titanic scene: “King of the World” in front of the dock, where there were crowds of people. AALEADers also had to go find the “Fish Advocate”, which is NOT a person (as you may think), but actually a piece of work, which every group had trouble finding. In the end, Team “Rice Cookers” came out victorious and earned themselves a tiny camera! However, it was not only the Rice Cookers that won, but everyone! Everyone [was] a winner because we all had fun! Fun [was] such a great way to end an awesome first week of the DC Middle & High School Summer Program.

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