DC Students Explain What AALEAD Means To Them

By My Nguyen, DC Middle & High School Program Coordinator
Photo Courtesy of AALEAD Staff

For the past few months, I’ve been working with a group of middle and high school students, and during my time with them, I have been able to witness the growth that some of these students displayed through programs. I have been consistently impressed with all of our youth, and would like to mention three high school students who have emerged as leaders of our program and serve as role models to our middle school students. Not only are they leaders of our program, but they continuously display their commitments to our program and AALEAD by being actively involved with all events and activities. If you ask me, I would say that AALEAD is an important aspect of their lives and that they all love AALEAD. What better way to confirm my belief than to hear it from the student themselves?

Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you Vy , Edward, Tommy, and their perspectives on AALEAD.

“My name is Vy, a rising sophomore who has been in AALEAD for about 3 and half years. As you know, AALEAD means Asian-American Leadership, Empowerment and Development for the Youth and Family, but there are many other definitions of what AALEAD is and what it means to us, AAleaders. I have learned that AALEAD is an organization that focuses on the Asian American in the fields of education and much more to help youth develop together which creates a special bond in becoming one big family. For me, AALEAD means another family that I can be extremely comfortable with, make new friends, experience new things (attending a conference held by President Obama, taking part in planning the API Annual Youth Summit, dancing on Pennsylvania Ave. for Fiesta Asia, just to name a few), and to be able give back to the community by volunteering with other non-profit organizations such as SOME (So Others Might Eat). Being in AALEAD has created many unforgettable memories such as the Annual Youth Summits, making great friends, and becoming a part of an amazing and huge family. AALEAD is something that I cherish a lot because it has been involved in my life for a couple of years which gave so many great opportunities and experiences, this is why AALEAD is very significant in my life.”

“My Name is Tommy, I will be a sophomore this coming school year, and I have been with AALEAD since Elementary School. AALEAD has helped me spend my time more efficiently by planning meetings and field trips for me to go to. Without AALEAD, I would be staying at home not doing anything, but watching TV. The field trips that I had fun going to were Homestead Farm, college visits, and the Air and Space Museum where we were able to view a demonstration about what it’s like to be an Astronaut in space. I am thankful to be a part of the AALEAD program and for providing me with great opportunities to broaden my horizons.”

“My name is Edward, I am a rising sophomore at Woodrow Wilson High School, and my journey with AALEAD has benefited me in many ways. I can say that I’ve learned a lot during the time I was with AAEAD. I’ve learned about many countries in Asia, which allowed me to know a whole new part of the world so well that I’ve never been there before. AALEAD has many exciting events and activities for me to participate in like field trips to museums and embassies to learn about its history and functions as well as non-educational field trips to places like six-flags and baseball games. AALEAD is a big part of my life and I feel very fortunate to be involved with this great organization.”

In closing this blog, I would like to take this opportunity to thank Vy, Edward, and Tommy for always willing to help as needed and for sharing your thoughts and feelings about AALEAD with the community!

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