AALEAD VA Middle School Program

  • Feels Like Home

    By Pallavi Rudraraju, VA Middle School Program Coordinator Photos Courtesy of Pallavi Rudraraju Hello, everyone! This is Pallavi, the new VA Middle School Program Coordinator. You might remember me from a couple years back, when I interned for Asian American LEAD (AALEAD) as the DC Elementary School Intern for Summer 2015.

    Farewell AALEAD

    By Yonsoo Kang, Previous VA Middle Schools Program Coordinator Photos Courtesy of AALEAD Staff 30377249434_3f0e8a40b8_o My dear AALEADers, During my interview for the VA Middle School Coordinator position, then executive d

  • Don’t Underestimate Young People

    By Yonsoo Kang, VA Middle School Program Coordinator Photos courtesy of Yonsoo Kang Hello again! In lieu of the recent election, it is undeniable that there has been a rise in incidents of hate, bigotry, and prejudice in schools around the country. I wanted to design a lesson for my AALEADers so they could see past and current scene of people who expressed hate and how others have decided to respond. Instead of using dreaded PowerPoint slides, we decided to create a gallery made up of wo

  • What AALEAD Is About

    By Yonsoo Kang, VA Middle School Program Coordinator Photos Courtesy of AALEAD Staff Hello everyone! We just had our winter holiday party at Holmes and Poe Middle Schools, so the past two days have been both fun and busy. I noticed the middle school holiday parties embodied core values of AALEAD, such as leadership, family, kindness, collaboration, enthusiasm, and finding your voice. A lot of AALEADers stepped up to help make the party successful because a few things were different this y

  • 2nd Annual VA Fall Festival

    By Shaima Ahmad, VA Programs Manager Photos Courtesy of Chelsea Iorlano, Development & Communications Associate Last week, AALEAD VA Programs came together to celebrate the start of after school programs for the 2016-17 school year. More than 70 youth across all 3 school sites— Holmes MS, Poe MS, and Annandale HS— attended. The theme for this year's festival was "Autumn Around the World." Youth had the opportunity to learn about how autumn is celebrated in other parts of the world th

  • See You Soon!

    By Surjeet Ahluwalia, Executive Director Photo Courtesy of Chelsea Iorlano, Development & Communications Associate This is the last time I will be writing all of you as Executive Director of Asian American LEAD!  Beginning November 7th, I will pass the torch to Neel Saxena, our current Development & Communications Director. The last six years have been quite the journey for Asian American LEAD and for me personally.  I’m proud of the work we have done together:

  • The Return of the Youth to AALEAD VA

    By Yonsoo Kang, VA Programs Coordinator Photo Courtesy by AALEAD Staff   Hello again! AALEAD VA Summer Horizons finished with an amazing trip to Six Flags after six weeks of fun and intense activities. [caption id="attachment_14489" align="aligncenter" width="800"]

  • Back-to-School Memories with AALEAD

    By Chelsea Iorlano, Development & Communications Associate Photos Courtesy of AALEAD Staff Across Washington, DC, Montgomery County, MD, and Fairfax County, VA, summer break has ended and school is officially back in session. From planning lunch recruitment sessions to meeting with school staff and administrators, from printing intake forms to writing program lesson plans, AALEAD staff are hard at work preparing for another school year of successful programs. As staff work diligently to br

  • A Summer of Opportunities with AALEAD VA

    By Ha Nguyen, VA Programs Intern Photos Courtesy of Ha Nguyen It is now official, everyone! The glorious summer is finally here right on our door steps inviting us all to step outside in the sun and start our own adventures. I am sure that you already have or are sketching out exciting plans with your friends and family. For me, I will be spending my time interning at AALEAD's Virginia office this summer, and I am so excited for what to come. My name is Ha Nguyen, and I am currently a ris

  • A Year in Review – Holmes Middle School @ VA

    By Yonsoo Kang, VA Middle School Program Coordinator Photos Courtesy of AALEAD Staff Hello everyone!  It's Yonsoo again. It seems like only a couple months ago when I first arrived at Holmes Middle School in late September as AALEAD's new VA Middle School Program Coordinator.  A few weeks had passed and I was a bit crestfallen because we only had four youth enrolled in AALEAD Programs at Holmes.  What was I supposed to do?  What kind of exciting activities were there for four people?

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