
  • 3…2…1…Clear for Take Off!

    By My Nguyen, AALEAD Staff Photos Courtesy of My Nguyen, AALEAD Staff DC Middle and High School Program has officially blasted off! Two weeks ago, we started our DC Middle and High School Program, and kicked off the first week with team building activities, or simply put, fun activities to help students get to know each other better. With so many new faces joining the program this fall, we began our first meeting with an animal name game. With this game, students gathered in a form of a circle

  • AALEAD High School Youth Reflect on their Leadership Experience

    By Francine Gorres, MD Programs Manager Photo Courtesy of AALEAD Staff Before the start of Summer Programs, High School students applied and were interviewed to become group leaders and mentors for Middle School youth in the AALEAD Summer Kinect Program.  As part of the experience, High School youth participated in daily de-brief meetings to process their leadership development and to formulate action steps for improvement.  This past month we were able to review and analyze some End of the S

  • Summer Memories and New Beginnings!

    By Melor Suhaimi, MD Programs Manager Photos Courtesy of AALEAD Staff Summer unofficially ended in Maryland during the last week of August with many Maryland students going back to school.  However, with the heat and humidity, it still feels like summer and it made me feel a bit nostalgic. This summer was filled with great memories in Maryland's Summer Kinect program, a bittersweet goodbye for our colleague, Francine Gorres, and a huge welcoming for 2 brand new staff members, Ari Pak and Shai

  • Summer Kinect: A Special Thank You!

    By Francine Gorres, MD Programs Manager Photos Courtesy of AALEAD Staff Even though Summer is coming to an end, we are still remembering fond memories about our Summer Kinect program. As part of the Summer High School Program, high school students received workshops on college resources, college tours, and financial aid.

    Message from the ED: A Month of Transition & Planning

    August is when the DC region slows down.  But not totally at AALEAD!  Our staff do get to take a break between summer and school-year programs, but August is also always a busy time with transitions and organization-building activities. This August, we continued to work on our next 3-year strategic plan for FY15 - FY17.  We will be sharing more on that in the fall once our plan is finalized. We held our Annual Staff Retreat August 5-7.  We had a very productive retreat with all staff parti

  • DC Students Explain What AALEAD Means To Them

    By My Nguyen, DC Middle & High School Program Coordinator Photo Courtesy of AALEAD Staff For the past few months, I’ve been working with a group of middle and high school students, and during my time with them, I have been able to witness the growth that some of these students displayed through programs. I have been consistently impressed with all of our youth, and would like to mention three high school students who have emerged as leaders of our program and serve as role models to our

  • Summer Kinect Reflection: Haiku Poems

    By AALEAD Youth Photos by AALEAD Staff As youth slowly say good bye to summer vacation and prepare to go back to school to begin another year of learning and growth, we reflect back on their experiences in AALEAD's Summer Kinect program in Montgomery County, MD. To close out the summer program, AALEADers wrote haiku poems about their time with friends, on field trips, and favorite memories. Below are some of these poems: By Team Sprinklers Small group we might be <

  • VA High School Staff Introduction: Shaima Ahmad

    Hi my name is Shaima Ahmad and I am the VA High School Program Coordinator. I began at AALEAD as a DC Elementary School Summer Program teacher. I was able to make such a strong connection with the kids that I found it hard to say goodbye, and it was hook, line and sinker for me.  I transitioned over to the role of Site Coordinator for our program at Thomson Elementary School, where I have continued working over the past year. What I love about working with AALEAD is the sense of fa

  • New MD High School Staff Introduction: Ari Pak

    [caption id="attachment_9914" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="The group at the wonderful Eid celebration from last Friday, organized by the amazing Eid Squad! Photo Credit: AALEAD Youth"]
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