
  • Thomson Tales: An Art Exhibition!

    By  Charles Kuo, DC Elementary School Program Site Coordinator & Parent Outreach Coordinator Photos Courtesy of Micah Shearer, AALEAD Staff AALEAD introduces “Thomson Tales”! In this blog series, you will be enlightened with the latest happenings at our DC Elementary School Program at Thomson Elementary School. Now take a deep breath… and prepare to be amazed! [caption id="attachment_10288" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="AALEADers work o

  • AALEADers at Terrapinoy Day!

    By Ari Pak, MD High School Program Coordinator Photos By Filipino Cultural Association of the University of Maryland This past Saturday, AALEADers participated in Terrapinoy Day, an annual exploration of identity, culture, and leadership for middle and high school students hosted by the University of Maryland’s Filipino Cultural Association (FCA). AALEAD was represented by four high school and three middle school youth who boldly engaged in workshops on cultural identity exploration, leadersh

  • Did you know…?: APIA Facts

    By Keo Xiong, MD Middle School Program Coordinator Photos by Keo Xiong, MD Middle School Program Coordinator

    As our Maryland Middle School youth head into week three of after-school programs, AALEADers at Parkland are starting their lessons on Asian American history and cultures. This week, AALEADers learned about Asian and Pacific Islander American facts. Youth also discussed the use of social media in their everyday lives, and how messages can be conveyed throu

  • International Day of the Girl

    By Melor Suhaimi, MD Programs Manager Photos courtesy of AALEAD Staff

    "On this International Day of the Girl Child, I call on all governments to take action to end all forms of  violence against girls in all parts of the world.  Together, we must create a world where violence against women and girls is never tolerated and girls are always empowered to reach their full potential." --Sec

  • Friends, Food, and Fun at Annual Kick-off Picnic

    By Keo Xiong, MD Middle School Program Coordinator Photos by AALEAD Staff Despite the dreary weather and gray skies last Friday, over 100 youth and families from AALEAD’s Maryland, D.C., and Virginia middle and high school programs attended the annual kick-off picnic at Wheaton Forest Park in Silver Spring, MD. Hugs and handshakes could be seen everywhere as youth from different schools and across program sites reconnected after a long summer or met for the first time. AALEAD staff also had t

  • Thank You AALEAD

    My experience with all of you has been nothing less than inspirational. I remember the first day I stepped into the Maryland office and was interviewed by a large panel of youth. They asked

  • AALEAD on the Big Screen!

    By Keo Xiong, Middle School Program Coordinator Photos by Melor Suhaimi, MD Programs Manager How many of you can say you have had a video you made be featured on a big screen at a film festival? AALEAD youth can proudly say that they have had this experience! DC Asian Pacific American (APA) Film held its annual film festival this past Thursday, October 2 – Saturday, October 4 at the Navy Memorial in Washington, D.C. The short videos made by AALEAD middle and high school youth as part of the G

  • And So It Begins: The MD Middle School Program

    By Antwoine Johnson, MD Middle School Program Coordinator Photos by AALEAD Staff Yesterday was the long awaited first day of MD Middle School Programs and what a first day it was. The coordinators and youth alike have been waiting eagerly for this day; to get the ball rolling and to continue to AALEAD tradition of having incredible years and creating incredible memories. From my side, Loiederman Middle School started off with a bang. The day started with formal introductions but as we got more

  • VA High School Programs Kick Off!

    By Shaima Ahmad, VA High School Program Coordinator Photos Courtesy of Shaima Ahmad, AALEAD Staff

    The past few weeks have been super exciting for AALEAD’s VA High School program. After many a lunch recruitment session we officially began after school programming this week. The students at Annandale High have shown much interest and have been very keen to find out what AALEAD is all about. The lunch sessions gave the them the opportunity to get more insight about w

  • Message from the ED: September Highlights

    September is always an exciting month at AALEAD.  Our after-school programs start up again with some new youth and returning youth from the summer and the previous year.  After lots of planning, our staff get to do what they do best - which is provide new opportunities to our youth.  This year, we are excited to have launched a brand new after-school program at Annandale High School!  The response from youth there has been awesome.  We are looking forward to serving 50 new youth there this

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