AALEAD Summer Programs

  • Let’s Keep Going, Together

    By Mecca McPherson, DC Middle & High School Summer Program Intern and Stephanie Lim, DC Middle & High School Program Coordinator Photos Courtesy of AALEAD Staff It’s been such a fun summer for us in the DC Middle & High School Summer Program. We’ve visited museums, gotten the ball rolling on some dope summer projects, staff and youth have facilitated activities and workshops, and we’ve survived through some very contentious rounds of Uno. We accomplish this by spending ne

  • Who Tells Your Story?

    By Diane Bui, MD Middle School Coordinator Photos Courtesy of Sanctuaries DC Storytelling is a skill each person has, but often goes unnoticed. This summer, Asian American LEAD (AALEAD) wants to focus on youth stories and storytelling skills. AALEAD wants to empower our youth to take control of their own story in order to provide a safe space to be open about who they truly are. Our summer theme MIC CHECK focuses on just that: highlighting individual experiences and using a creative outlet t

  • Meet Our Summer Interns!

    By Freidricka Camille, Community College and Internship Programs Coordinator Photos Courtesy of AALEAD Staff It’s that time of the year again! The sun is shining, the A/C is running, and new interns are diving in as part of our team for summer programs. We are delighted to welcome four new interns. In addition to their bios, we wanted to learn a few fun facts about them. So, we asked them questions such as:

    • If you lived on any other planet in the solar system, which planet woul

    • Stories that Envision, Create, Transform

      By Neel Saxena, Executive Director Photos Courtesy of Saadia Ahmed On March 22, 2017, AALEAD hosted the Aspire to LEAD fundraising event at Top of the Town in Arlington, VA. This was AALEAD's 4th such fundraiser and my first as Executive Director. Last year I was behind the scenes and this year I had the incredible opportunity to join our youth in sharing our often overlooked stories as Asian Pacific Americans. This year's theme was Envision, Create, Transform. For our youth, staff, mentors

    • See You Soon!

      By Surjeet Ahluwalia, Executive Director Photo Courtesy of Chelsea Iorlano, Development & Communications Associate This is the last time I will be writing all of you as Executive Director of Asian American LEAD!  Beginning November 7th, I will pass the torch to Neel Saxena, our current Development & Communications Director. The last six years have been quite the journey for Asian American LEAD and for me personally.  I’m proud of the work we have done together:

    • A Year in Review: Favorite Top Ten Moments from MD Programs

      By Keo Xiong, MD Programs Manager Photos Courtesy of AALEAD Staff   This year marks the 10th anniversary of Asian American LEAD's expansion into Montgomery County, Maryland! We are excited to celebrate ten years of service to the many youth and families of Montgomery County Public Schools, and look forward to sharing with you the stories and successes of our partnership over the past years. As we prepare to kick off programming next week at our nine middle and high school sites th

    • Eugenia’s AALEAD Volunteer Journey

      By Eugenia, AALEAD Volunteer Photo Courtesy of Chelsea Iorlano, Development & Communications Associate The AALEAD Volunteer Journey Becoming a member of AALEAD this summer was one of the best decisio

    • Every Ending Has a New Beginning!

      By Ha Nguyen, VA Summer Program Intern Photos Courtesy of AALEAD Staff It is hard to believe that the Summer Horizons program at Virginia has come to an end! I guess the saying is true: Time flies when you are having fun. Over the course of the summer, our middle school and high school youth have come together, persevering through challenges and achieving goals that our staff had set for our program; and at the same time have managed to build a strong bond with one another. At the final day

    • And So Our Journey Comes to an End. . . Sort of!

      By Nikki Febrer, MD Summer Programs Intern Photos Courtesy of AALEAD Staff   It’s hard to believe five weeks have passed since the start of Maryland’s Summer Thrive Program. In their final week, youth dedicated their time to working on their PSA videos and poster app challenges. Although no blood, sweat, or tears were actually shed, there was no denying the amount of hard work and effort put forth when each group presented their final projects. I was impressed and awed by their a

    • To Boldly Learn What No One Has Learned Before

      By Katie Watanabe, DC Elementary School Program Intern Photos Courtesy of AALEAD Staff   Hello, everyone! My name is Katie Watanabe, and I am the DC Elementary School Program Intern for the summer! I’m writing in with a quick update about all the adventures we’ve been having at Thomson Elementary School these past few weeks! The theme of this year’s summer program is “Discovery.” As you might be able to tell from the title of this post, we are working together to discove

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