
  • Capturing The Essence Of Our Elementary School Program

    By Saadia Ahmad, DC Elementary School Program Coordinator Photos Courtesy of Saadia Ahmad They say a picture is worth a thousand words; so when I was asked to do this blog at a time where AALEAD participated in the Lights On Afterschool campaign, I wanted to capture the essence of our DC Elementary School Program through

  • My Journey To Youth Work

    By: Saadia Ahmad, DC Elementary School Program Coordinator Photos Courtesy of AALEAD Staff “But you’re a fashion designer, how come you’re teach

  • #AALEADFam is Forever

    By Tina Ngo, Mentoring & Volunteer Programs Manager Photos Courtesy of AALEAD Staff There have been many things that I've learned over the course of my time at Asian American LEAD (AALEAD), but one lesson in particular will always stand out to me. During an after school program session, a young person and I had a discussion about choices and how a single decision can create a ripple effect. I'll never forget this conversation because AALEAD youth speak truth: the choices that we make imp

  • My Dream Job Experience

    By Naijla Faizi, DC Middle and High School Program Coordinator Photos Courtesy of Chelsea Iorlano, Development and Communications Associate   Dear AALEADers, I want to thank all of you for an amazing 6 months starting from my summer internship until now. Unfortunately, due to personal family circumstances, I will be cutting my time a

  • Make a Difference Day- Leveling the Playing Field

    By Shanice Lo, MD Middle School Program Coordinator Photos Courtesy of AALEAD Staff AALEAD youth got their first hands-on field trip on how to become a Change Maker (this year's MD theme – read our post here on MD's theme for a refresher)! This time AALEAD Change Makers focus on their HANDS, taking action and making a difference through the community service event, National Make a Difference Day. On October 22nd, 33 A

  • The Return of the Youth to AALEAD VA

    By Yonsoo Kang, VA Programs Coordinator Photo Courtesy by AALEAD Staff   Hello again! AALEAD VA Summer Horizons finished with an amazing trip to Six Flags after six weeks of fun and intense activities. [caption id="attachment_14489" align="aligncenter" width="800"]

  • Eugenia’s AALEAD Volunteer Journey

    By Eugenia, AALEAD Volunteer Photo Courtesy of Chelsea Iorlano, Development & Communications Associate The AALEAD Volunteer Journey Becoming a member of AALEAD this summer was one of the best decisio

  • Isang Bagsak: A Farewell to AALEAD

    AALEAD DC Holiday PartyGoodbyes and farewells are never easy. They are not meant to be but they are necessary. They are necessary in how we make decisions. They are necess

  • And So Our Journey Comes to an End. . . Sort of!

    By Nikki Febrer, MD Summer Programs Intern Photos Courtesy of AALEAD Staff   It’s hard to believe five weeks have passed since the start of Maryland’s Summer Thrive Program. In their final week, youth dedicated their time to working on their PSA videos and poster app challenges. Although no blood, sweat, or tears were actually shed, there was no denying the amount of hard work and effort put forth when each group presented their final projects. I was impressed and awed by their a

  • A Season of Giving with AALEAD

    By Chelsea Iorlano, Development & Communications Associate Photos Courtesy of Chelsea Iorlano Each day, the youth we serve come to AALEAD Programs and give.  They give their attention, time, respect, appreciation, energy, and support.  Each day in programs, youth give of themselves and create the vibrant, nurturing, and strong community that is AALEAD.  AALEAD Programs could not provide the stable community and safe space that they do without the youth committing to their programs and

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