AALEAD MD Middle School Programs

  • Smithsonian Adventures and Current Events

    By Diane Bui, MDMS Program Coordinator Photos Courtesy of AALEAD MD Staff   One of the luxuries of living so close to Washington, DC is the ability to travel into the city and learn about American culture through the many Smithsonian museums in the area. On Saturday, March 11, we had the opportunity to bring 22 middle and high school youth from our MD programs to the National Museum of the American Indian. In light of current events, it is crucial to learn more about other culture

  • Safe, Supportive, Stable: The Importance of Out-of-School Time Programs

    By Keo Xiong, MD Programs Manager   Any space that serves youth and young people should be safe, supportive, and stable. Safety, both physically and emotionally, sets the foundation for youth (and all people) to thrive. Creating a culture of support allows youth to share in each other's successes, and rally to uplift others in times of difficulty. Stability ensures that youth know they will always have a place to go and trusted people to talk to. When youth feel safe and supported in

  • MD Holiday Party 2016

    By YLan Nguyen, MD Middle School Programs Coordinator Photos Courtesy of Chelsea Iorlano, Development and Communications Associate To close off the first semester of AALEAD programs in Montgomery County, we had our annual AALEAD Maryland Holiday Party. This year’s theme, courtesy of the Maryland Middle School Youth Council members, was “Winter Masquerade Around the World.” We w

  • Make a Difference Day- Leveling the Playing Field

    By Shanice Lo, MD Middle School Program Coordinator Photos Courtesy of AALEAD Staff AALEAD youth got their first hands-on field trip on how to become a Change Maker (this year's MD theme – read our post here on MD's theme for a refresher)! This time AALEAD Change Makers focus on their HANDS, taking action and making a difference through the community service event, National Make a Difference Day. On October 22nd, 33 A

  • See You Soon!

    By Surjeet Ahluwalia, Executive Director Photo Courtesy of Chelsea Iorlano, Development & Communications Associate This is the last time I will be writing all of you as Executive Director of Asian American LEAD!  Beginning November 7th, I will pass the torch to Neel Saxena, our current Development & Communications Director. The last six years have been quite the journey for Asian American LEAD and for me personally.  I’m proud of the work we have done together:

  • MD Change Makers

    By Diane Bui, MD Middle School Program Coordinator Photos Courtesy of Chelsea Iorlano, Development and Communications Associate   Each new school year brings a new, exciting energy to AALEAD programs. This year, the Maryland team wants to focus on unifying all youth throughout the nine program sites under one theme and year-long goal. During the 2016 – 2017 school year, Maryland youth will focus on becoming change makers within the community. But what does that

  • A Year in Review: Favorite Top Ten Moments from MD Programs

    By Keo Xiong, MD Programs Manager Photos Courtesy of AALEAD Staff   This year marks the 10th anniversary of Asian American LEAD's expansion into Montgomery County, Maryland! We are excited to celebrate ten years of service to the many youth and families of Montgomery County Public Schools, and look forward to sharing with you the stories and successes of our partnership over the past years. As we prepare to kick off programming next week at our nine middle and high school sites th

  • Back-to-School Memories with AALEAD

    By Chelsea Iorlano, Development & Communications Associate Photos Courtesy of AALEAD Staff Across Washington, DC, Montgomery County, MD, and Fairfax County, VA, summer break has ended and school is officially back in session. From planning lunch recruitment sessions to meeting with school staff and administrators, from printing intake forms to writing program lesson plans, AALEAD staff are hard at work preparing for another school year of successful programs. As staff work diligently to br

  • And So Our Journey Comes to an End. . . Sort of!

    By Nikki Febrer, MD Summer Programs Intern Photos Courtesy of AALEAD Staff   It’s hard to believe five weeks have passed since the start of Maryland’s Summer Thrive Program. In their final week, youth dedicated their time to working on their PSA videos and poster app challenges. Although no blood, sweat, or tears were actually shed, there was no denying the amount of hard work and effort put forth when each group presented their final projects. I was impressed and awed by their a

  • And so the journey begins!

    By Nikki Febrer, MD Programs Intern Photos Courtesy of MD Staff One week down, four more to go! Time flies when you're having fun. Last week, Asian American LEAD'S MD Summer Thrive 2016 Program kicked off, and the youth have been busy team-building, team-bonding, and problem-solving! The journey began on Tuesday, July 5th. This was the day youth were introduced to their team members; high school team leaders brought great energy and enthusiasm toward the middle schoolers as they entered t

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