
  • Greetings From YLan!

    By YLan Nguyen, MD Middle School Program Coordinator Photos courtesy of YLan Nguyen Hey everyone, I am excited to join AALEAD as a Maryland Middle School Program Coordinator! I’m moving into my fourth week as a full-time staff and my experience so far has been nothing short of exciting. The staff has been so welcoming, it’s been great working with everyone. 

    Memories at AALEAD: An interview with Lisa, a 5th Grade AALEADer

    By Charles Kuo, AALEAD DC Elementary School Program Coordinator, and Lisa, AALEAD Youth Photos Courtesy of AALEAD Staff As we approach the end of the school year, AALEAD staff and youth reflect on the memories we have made this past year. We also congratulate many of our youth who are transitioning to new schools. Lisa, a 5th grader at AALEAD Bancroft, has been a part of AALEAD for the past four years and will be going to middle school in the fall. In this int

  • Senior Send-off: Reflections from a Youth

    By Keo Xiong, AALEAD MD Programs Manager, and Eljoy, AALEAD Youth Photos Courtesy of Keo Xiong, AALEAD MD Programs Manager Congrats Senior Class 2016 Time sure flies by when you're having fun! On Friday, June 3, Asian American LEAD M

  • As We Go On, We’ll Remember….AALEAD’s End of the Year BBQ

    By Antwoine Johnson, MD Middle School Program Coordinator Photos Courtesy of Chelsea Iorlano, Development & Communications Associate

    All good things must come to an end and that is exactly what this year was…..a good thing.

    Filled with memories, trials, ups and downs, strengthened friendships, amazing food, and a plethora of events, AALEAD bid farewell to the 2014-2015 school year and wrapped it up with the End of the Year BBQ. 80 youth, parents and staff

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