
  • Let’s Keep Going, Together

    By Mecca McPherson, DC Middle & High School Summer Program Intern and Stephanie Lim, DC Middle & High School Program Coordinator Photos Courtesy of AALEAD Staff It’s been such a fun summer for us in the DC Middle & High School Summer Program. We’ve visited museums, gotten the ball rolling on some dope summer projects, staff and youth have facilitated activities and workshops, and we’ve survived through some very contentious rounds of Uno. We accomplish this by spending ne

  • Meet Our Summer Interns!

    By Freidricka Camille, Community College and Internship Programs Coordinator Photos Courtesy of AALEAD Staff It’s that time of the year again! The sun is shining, the A/C is running, and new interns are diving in as part of our team for summer programs. We are delighted to welcome four new interns. In addition to their bios, we wanted to learn a few fun facts about them. So, we asked them questions such as:

    • If you lived on any other planet in the solar system, which planet woul

    • What I’ve Learned from the Youth

      By Lili Greenstein, Development & Communications Intern Photos Courtesy of AALEAD Staff As I began this experience, I expected the typical internship position: filing, drafting cookie cutter tweets, instagram posts and other busy work. What I didn’t expect was to feel more morally and ethically connected to any other organization that I’ve worked for. AALEAD embodies the most important youth development component that I believe is crucial to success. H

    • Every Ending Has a New Beginning!

      By Ha Nguyen, VA Summer Program Intern Photos Courtesy of AALEAD Staff It is hard to believe that the Summer Horizons program at Virginia has come to an end! I guess the saying is true: Time flies when you are having fun. Over the course of the summer, our middle school and high school youth have come together, persevering through challenges and achieving goals that our staff had set for our program; and at the same time have managed to build a strong bond with one another. At the final day

    • What Have You Discovered?

      By Katie Watanabe, DC ES Summer Program Intern Photos Courtesy of Chelsea Iorlano, Development & Communications Associate After five weeks of excitement, education, and empowerment, our DC Elementary School Summer Program concluded with a closing ceremony called Discovery Day at Thomson Elementary School last Friday. Our youth displayed the numerous projects that they have been working on all summer, from commu

    • To Boldly Learn What No One Has Learned Before

      By Katie Watanabe, DC Elementary School Program Intern Photos Courtesy of AALEAD Staff   Hello, everyone! My name is Katie Watanabe, and I am the DC Elementary School Program Intern for the summer! I’m writing in with a quick update about all the adventures we’ve been having at Thomson Elementary School these past few weeks! The theme of this year’s summer program is “Discovery.” As you might be able to tell from the title of this post, we are working together to discove

    • A Summer of Opportunities with AALEAD VA

      By Ha Nguyen, VA Programs Intern Photos Courtesy of Ha Nguyen It is now official, everyone! The glorious summer is finally here right on our door steps inviting us all to step outside in the sun and start our own adventures. I am sure that you already have or are sketching out exciting plans with your friends and family. For me, I will be spending my time interning at AALEAD's Virginia office this summer, and I am so excited for what to come. My name is Ha Nguyen, and I am currently a ris

    • 3 Things to Remember When Working with Youth

      By YLan Nguyen, MD Programs Intern Hey everyone, it’s YLan again! I’m entering the ninth week of my internship with AALEAD and I’ve been learning a lot about youth work. Last week, I attended a training called “Structure and Clear Limits” hosted by the David P. Weikart Center for Youth Program Quality that focused on encouraging youth engagement and productivity by establishing a safe environment. Here are some of my biggest takeawa

    • Spring Reflections

      By YLan Nguyen, MD Programs Intern Photos Courtesy of YLan Nguyen, MD Programs Intern Hi everyone, my name is YLan Nguyen and I am AALEAD’s MD Programs Intern for the spring 2016 semester. Currently, I am a senior at the University of Maryland studying psychology and Asian American Studies. For the duration of my internship, I’ll be at Wheaton High School’s and Julius West Middle School’s after school programs. Iâ

    • Top Three Things I’ve Learned at AALEAD

      By Eileen Chen, VA Programs Intern Photos Courtesy of AALEAD Staff VA Programs Coming into this internship in the fall, I was excited about all the things that I could offer to the youth in the programs.

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