
  • Senior Send-off: Reflections from a Youth

    By Keo Xiong, AALEAD MD Programs Manager, and Eljoy, AALEAD Youth Photos Courtesy of Keo Xiong, AALEAD MD Programs Manager Congrats Senior Class 2016 Time sure flies by when you're having fun! On Friday, June 3, Asian American LEAD M

  • The Secret Lives of AALEAD Youth

    By Keo Xiong, MD Programs Manager Photos Courtesy of Keo Xiong, MD Programs Manager “Sometimes when we think we are keeping a secret, the secret is actually keeping us.” ― Frank Warren

    Friendship. Insecurity. Love. Loss. Fear. Expectations.

    These are just some of the common threads among the secrets shared anonymously by AALEAD youth for a PostSecret project at school. PostSecret is

  • Leadership in Action: For the Youth, By the Youth

    By Dia Bui, DC Middle and High School Program Coordinator Photo Courtesy of AALEAD Staff All month long, in celebration of Asian Pacific American Heritage Month, DC youth will be putting leadership into action through leading their own workshops - from Star Wars to origami to League of Legends to food. Since the beginning of April, AALEAD DC youth have been creating and drafting their workshops in pairs and groups based on their topic of choice. Each with their own unique

  • AALEAD: A Second Home

    By Charles Kuo, DC Elementary School Program Coordinator Photos Courtesy of AALEAD Staff Mr. Charles helps Selena with homework

  • Top Three Things I’ve Learned at AALEAD

    By Eileen Chen, VA Programs Intern Photos Courtesy of AALEAD Staff VA Programs Coming into this internship in the fall, I was excited about all the things that I could offer to the youth in the programs.

  • Beyond Our Borders: AALEAD at ECAASU ’16

    By Dia Bui, DC Middle and High School Program Coordinator

    Photos courtesy of Dia Bui


  • 3 Reasons to Aspire to LEAD with AALEAD

    By Neel Saxena, Development & Communications Director Photos Courtesy of AALEAD Staff Aspire to LEAD is about getting involved with Asian American LEAD to impact the lives of low-income and underserved Asian Pacific American youth. One of the ways to get involved is joining AALEAD at a powerful 1-hour fundraising breakfast on March 16, 2016 at 8:00 am at Top of the Town in Arlington,VA. You will learn about the amazing impact our programming is having on our low-income and underserve

  • Loving Ourselves and Our Cultures

    By Yonsoo Kang, VA Middle School Program Coordinator Photos Courtesy of Yonsoo Kang Hello everyone!  Happy 2016. Youth from Poe and Holmes Middle Schools have been busy learning about one another’s culture as well as celebrating their own.  In December and January, AALEADers used icing to draw flags representing their heritage on cookies

  • Why AALEAD Celebrates National Mentoring Month

    By Stephanie Lim, Mentoring & Volunteer Programs Coordinator Photos Courtesy of AALEAD Staff AALEAD National Mentoring Month Collage As we approach the end of National Mentoring Month,  I would like to first and foremost thank all of our

  • National Mentoring Month: Kelvin and Fucheng

    By Kelvin C., Current AALEAD Mentor Photos Courtesy of Kelvin C., Current AALEAD Mentor & AALEAD Staff Thank you for joining us once again as we observe National Mentoring Month. Let's continue celebrating the contributions of our Asian American LEAD (AALEAD) mentors with this post from Kelvin C. Happy National Mentoring Month! -Stephanie Lim, Mentoring & Volunteer Programs Coordinator

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