DC Staff

  • A Mentor’s Journey

    by Donna J. Banzon, Asian American LEAD (AALEAD) Mentor, and Freidricka M. Camille, Mentoring Success Specialist Photo Courtesy of AALEAD Staff Often times in mentoring spaces, the narrative focuses on the mentee experience and the impact mentoring has on the mentees of the program.  Very little narrative is produced that reflects the journey of learning for the mentors.  Are mentors learning? If so, how has the mentori

  • Love Your Heart

    By Neel Saxena, Executive Director

    Photos from various sources

    By Neel Saxena, Executive Director

    Photo courtesy of Taquiena Boston

    On Thursday, October 18, 2019, Asian American LEAD (AALEAD) connected with the Consumer Health Foundation (CHF) to help celebrate their 20th Anniversary with a tour of DC’s Chinatown and share #ThisFireBurnin inside youth whose history has been erased and ignored. CHF advocates for racial eq

  • “I potentially want to be that adult that I needed in High School.”

    By Aaron Orpilla, DC Middle & High School Program Coordinator; and Iftakhar Alam, Communications Intern

    Photo Courtesy of Aaron Orpilla

  • “I could not have done this alone.”

    By Stephanie Lim, former DC Middle & High School Program Coordinator

    Photos Courtesy of Stephanie Lim and AALEAD Staff

    At the time of writing, it is the Monday of my last week at Asian American LEAD. I have cleaned out most of my desk and organized it for the next coordinator. I have packed most of the notes and cards I’ve received from youth, former i

  • My Favorite AALEAD Moments, pt2.

    By Charles Kuo, DC Programs Manager; Saadia Ahmad, DC Elementary School Program Coordinator; and Ha Nguyen, Development and Communications Associate

    Photos courtesy of AALEAD staff

    This year, AALEAD celebrates 20 years of empowering young leaders across the DC metropolitan area through our after-school, summer and mentoring programs.

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