AALEAD DC Elementary School Program

  • Memories at AALEAD: An interview with Lisa, a 5th Grade AALEADer

    By Charles Kuo, AALEAD DC Elementary School Program Coordinator, and Lisa, AALEAD Youth Photos Courtesy of AALEAD Staff As we approach the end of the school year, AALEAD staff and youth reflect on the memories we have made this past year. We also congratulate many of our youth who are transitioning to new schools. Lisa, a 5th grader at AALEAD Bancroft, has been a part of AALEAD for the past four years and will be going to middle school in the fall. In this int

  • AALEAD: A Second Home

    By Charles Kuo, DC Elementary School Program Coordinator Photos Courtesy of AALEAD Staff Mr. Charles helps Selena with homework

  • My Education Matters

    By Charles Kuo, DC Elementary School Program Coordinator Photos Courtesy of AALEAD Staff Transitions are difficult at any age. During transitional periods, we are faced with making decisions that most definitely affect our futures. The process of changing from one state to another can produce stress and anxiety. One of the biggest transitions a youth faces is the transition from el

  • A Season of Giving with AALEAD

    By Chelsea Iorlano, Development & Communications Associate Photos Courtesy of Chelsea Iorlano Each day, the youth we serve come to AALEAD Programs and give.  They give their attention, time, respect, appreciation, energy, and support.  Each day in programs, youth give of themselves and create the vibrant, nurturing, and strong community that is AALEAD.  AALEAD Programs could not provide the stable community and safe space that they do without the youth committing to their programs and

  • The Spirit of Community: AALEAD DC Programs

    By Día Bùi, DC Middle & High School Programs Coordinator Photos Courtesy of Día Bùi Ying, Tom, and Caleb with ES youth 

  • Volunteer Voices: Jimmy’s Story

    By Stephanie Lim & Tina Ngo, AALEAD Staff Photos Courtesy of Stephanie Lim, AALEAD Staff As we kick off the start of a new school year, Asian American LEAD (AALEAD) staff are always excited to reunite with youth, but also, another very important part of our AALEAD family - our volunteers. This month's spotlight focuses on Jimmy, an AALEAD volunteer who started working with us in October 2012 at the beginning of his college career. Jimmy is now a senior at the University of Maryland C

  • Special Thank You and See You Later!

    It has been a wonderful five years at Asian American LEAD.  I have learned so much from AALEAD youth, staff, board members, mentors, and volunteers and I’m so thankful for everyone who has been a part of my AALEAD journey!  When I first started with AALEAD in 2010, I worked with the DC Elementary School Program and I immediately connected with the youth, staff, and AALEAD’s mission.  I knew at that moment that AALEAD would make a significant impact in my life and it definitely has.

  • So Long for Now, AALEAD!

    By Pallavi Rudraraju, DC Elementary School Summer Program Intern Photos Courtesy of AALEAD Staff I distinctly remember the emotions that washed over me when I received Tina’s e-mail offer to join the Asian American LEAD (AALEAD) team for the summer: shock, excitement, eagerness, and a little bit of nervousness. I was thrilled to accept for so many reasons, but mostly because working with AALEAD would mean combining two of my life goals: youth development through teaching and Asian American i

  • Thank You

    Thank you for this amazing journey (of almost five years!) with the AALEAD family! While I am no longer officially an AALEAD staff member, I will never

  • Bancroft Bulletin: Looking Back

    By Madeline Sumida, Elementary Program Teacher & Site Coordinator Photos Courtesy of Madeline Sumida As the year comes to a close, the Bancroft AALEADers are taking time to celebrate, reflect upon what they’ve experienced, and express anxieties and hopes for the future. Both classes have explored the theme of super powers and using fantasy to identify individual students’ strengths and interests. We’ve looked at heroic narratives and developed our own epic stories to illustrate and di

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