AALEAD Volunteers

  • Kicking Off Another Program Year in Maryland

    By Shanice Lo, MD Middle School Program Coordinator Photos Courtesy of AALEAD Staff On Saturday, October 28th,  over 60 youth from across 4 middle schools and 4 high schools in Montgomery County attended the Annual Maryland Kick-off Picnic at Glenmont Local Park in Silver Spring.  Before the picnic portion of the day,

  • Celebrating AALEAD’s Volunteers

    By Vi Bui, Mentoring & Volunteer Programs Coordinator Photos Courtesy of AALEAD Staff Here at Asian American LEAD (AALEAD), volunteers are a crucial resource to our youth development work. In some cases, such as with the mentoring program, we literally would not be able to provide these opportunities to our youth without the commitment of our volunteer mentors. Last April, we celebrated National Volunteer Month

  • Starting a New Adventure with AALEAD

    By Vi Bui, Mentoring and Volunteer Programs Coordinator Photos Courtesy of Vi Bui My name is Vi and I am AALEAD’s new Mentoring and Volunteer Programs Coordinator. I am really excited to start this incredibly important and valuable work and wanted to take some time to introduce myself to the community. I was born and raised in the State of Delaware. Not to be confused with the city in Ohio or the county in Pennsylvania. You’ve probably never been there, driven through it on I-95, do

  • #AALEADFam is Forever

    By Tina Ngo, Mentoring & Volunteer Programs Manager Photos Courtesy of AALEAD Staff There have been many things that I've learned over the course of my time at Asian American LEAD (AALEAD), but one lesson in particular will always stand out to me. During an after school program session, a young person and I had a discussion about choices and how a single decision can create a ripple effect. I'll never forget this conversation because AALEAD youth speak truth: the choices that we make imp

  • What I’ve Learned from the Youth

    By Lili Greenstein, Development & Communications Intern Photos Courtesy of AALEAD Staff As I began this experience, I expected the typical internship position: filing, drafting cookie cutter tweets, instagram posts and other busy work. What I didn’t expect was to feel more morally and ethically connected to any other organization that I’ve worked for. AALEAD embodies the most important youth development component that I believe is crucial to success. H

  • AALEADers Learn about Campaign Finance

    By Naijla Faizi, DC Middle & High School Program Coordinator Photos Courtesy of AALEAD Staff Last week AALEAD DC middle and high school youth participated in a guest workshop by DC Fair Elections Coalition. This coalition “represents groups from the environmental, labor, economic justice, social justice, faith, and good government movements.” Their main goal is “to pass meaningful campaign finance reform in D.C. to empower everyday residents and make

  • Eugenia’s AALEAD Volunteer Journey

    By Eugenia, AALEAD Volunteer Photo Courtesy of Chelsea Iorlano, Development & Communications Associate The AALEAD Volunteer Journey Becoming a member of AALEAD this summer was one of the best decisio

  • Every Ending Has a New Beginning!

    By Ha Nguyen, VA Summer Program Intern Photos Courtesy of AALEAD Staff It is hard to believe that the Summer Horizons program at Virginia has come to an end! I guess the saying is true: Time flies when you are having fun. Over the course of the summer, our middle school and high school youth have come together, persevering through challenges and achieving goals that our staff had set for our program; and at the same time have managed to build a strong bond with one another. At the final day

  • A Summer of Opportunities with AALEAD VA

    By Ha Nguyen, VA Programs Intern Photos Courtesy of Ha Nguyen It is now official, everyone! The glorious summer is finally here right on our door steps inviting us all to step outside in the sun and start our own adventures. I am sure that you already have or are sketching out exciting plans with your friends and family. For me, I will be spending my time interning at AALEAD's Virginia office this summer, and I am so excited for what to come. My name is Ha Nguyen, and I am currently a ris

  • AALEAD Park Clean-Up: Lessons Learned

    By Diane Bui, Yonsoo Kang, and Stephanie Lim, AALEAD staff Photos Courtesy of AALEAD Staff On Saturday, April 16th, AALEADers in DC, Maryland, and Virginia participated in our annual Park Clean-Up event. We all spent the morning learning about the value of community service, the importance of recycling, and the choices we can make as individuals and communities to protect the Earth from harm. [caption id="attachment_14131" align="aligncenter" width="1024"]

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