AALEAD VA Programs

  • An Asian American LEAD Thanksgiving

    By Neel Saxena, Development & Communications Director Photos Courtesy of AALEAD Staff Growing up, every Thanksgiving I would sit at my parent’s dining room table surrounded by freshly fried samosas, simmering matter paneer, spicy chicken biryani, and canned cranberry sauce - all the while wondering why I couldn’t have a “normal” thanksgiving meal like they did on The Wonder Years. The holidays highlighted the duality of my identity and the conflict between my Asian side

  • Dignity and Pride as the AALEAD Family Grows

    By Yonsoo Kang, VA Middle School Program Coordinator, and Eileen Chen, VA Programs Intern Photos Courtesy of Yonsoo Kang, Eileen Chen, and the Heinz History Center “
the movements translate to ‘I’m not above you, you’re not above me, we’re side by side, we’re together
’” – LaMont Hamilton, Smithsonian Artist Research Fellow at the Center for Folklife and Cultural Heritage,

    Top 10 Reasons to Join AALEAD!!!

    By Shaima Ahmad, VA Programs Manager Photo Courtesy of AALEAD Staff It is the start to a new school year, only a few weeks in, and programs have launched slowly but surely in FCPS. When asked why they have joined AALEAD, both new and returning AALEADers joined in the conversation and mapped out expectations for this year...

    Top 10 Reasons to Join AALEAD

    1) Exploring New Cultures (especially through FOOD)

  • AALEAD Making Gains in VA!

    By Yonsoo Kang, VA Middle School Program Coordinator Hello again! Last year, AALEAD’s Mentoring & Volunteer Programs Manager, Tina, and the VA Programs Manager, Shaima, worked really hard to establish AALEAD’s VA Programs, first through the Mentoring Program, then after school with the VA High School Program at Annandale High School. We are now expanding into Poe and Holmes Middle Schools in the surrounding community. Administrators and counselors in both schools have

  • Hello Again, AALEAD!

    By Yonsoo Kang, VA Middle School Coordinator Photos Courtesy of Yonsoo Kang Hi everyone! My name is Yonsoo Kang and I am the new Virginia Middle School Coordinator based in Annandale!  I'm excited to be part of AALEAD again and to be spreading the wonderful programs this organization has to offer into the VA middle schools. Annandale has a special place in my heart because my father's side of the family lived in that area for decades. Even though I lived in New Jersey until I was ten, I visi

  • Greetings from the New AALEAD Program Director

    By Mylynh Nguyen, Program Director Photos courtesy of Mylynh Nguyen Dear Friends and Families of AALEAD, I am delighted to join the AALEAD team to serve as the new Program Director. I started in this new role on June 9th, and just within a few short days, I have had the honor of witnessing the sincere dedication of the AALEAD staff and the exuberance of our some of our youngest elementary school youth. I have also already had the great pleasure of meeting some AALEAD parents and guardians. I

  • Back at AALEAD!

    By Neel Saxena, Development & Communications Director Photos Courtesy of Neel Saxena Hello AALEAD family, I am excited to be back after a ten year stint in the DC Mayor’s Office, rejoining as the Development & Communications Director. I have seen AALEAD grow and thrive during my time away and will bring my energy and experience to continue the wonderful work. I am the son of two immigrant parents who came to the US to study in the 1960s and went back to India to have me in 1978. We c

  • Thank You for Joining Us!

    By Sharon Choi, AALEAD Staff Photos Courtesy of Silvy Song, Photographer & AALEAD Staff Asian American LEAD (AALEAD) hosted our 16th Annual Dinner on Wednesday evening at the Silver Spring Civic Center in downtown Silver Spring. Thank you to everyone who came to join us in our celebration of AALEAD's mission, impact, community, and most importantly, our youth!

  • AALEAD at Fiesta Asia DC 2015!

    By Chelsea Iorlano, Development & Communications Associate Photos Courtesy of Chelsea Iorlano This past Saturday, May 16, Asian American LEAD joined the festivities at Fiesta Asia DC.  161 youth, staff, and mentors came out to represent AALEAD and celebrate Asian Pacific American Heritage Month at the 10th annual Fiesta Asia street festival!

    AALEADers Meet with Varun Ram!

    By Sharon Choi & Chelsea Iorlano, AALEAD Staff Photos Courtesy of AALEAD Staff

    Last Friday, May 8, AALEADers had an amazing opportunity to meet with the Un

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