AALEAD VA Programs

  • AALEAD Park Clean-Up: Lessons Learned

    By Diane Bui, Yonsoo Kang, and Stephanie Lim, AALEAD staff Photos Courtesy of AALEAD Staff On Saturday, April 16th, AALEADers in DC, Maryland, and Virginia participated in our annual Park Clean-Up event. We all spent the morning learning about the value of community service, the importance of recycling, and the choices we can make as individuals and communities to protect the Earth from harm. [caption id="attachment_14131" align="aligncenter" width="1024"]

    Networking AALEAD Style

    By Yonsoo Kang, VA Middle School Program Coordinator Photos Courtesy of Yonsoo Kang Hello hello! Spring is finally here and my allergies are not acting up for the first time in my life! Our youth in VA had some interesting experiences during February and March. In February, we learned about famous Black activists, artists, and leaders in the US and around the world during Black History Month. In March, VA Programs Intern Eileen and I helped our youth to become young professionals by expos

  • Top Three Things I’ve Learned at AALEAD

    By Eileen Chen, VA Programs Intern Photos Courtesy of AALEAD Staff VA Programs Coming into this internship in the fall, I was excited about all the things that I could offer to the youth in the programs.

  • Beyond Our Borders: AALEAD at ECAASU ’16

    By Dia Bui, DC Middle and High School Program Coordinator

    Photos courtesy of Dia Bui


  • 3 Reasons to Aspire to LEAD with AALEAD

    By Neel Saxena, Development & Communications Director Photos Courtesy of AALEAD Staff Aspire to LEAD is about getting involved with Asian American LEAD to impact the lives of low-income and underserved Asian Pacific American youth. One of the ways to get involved is joining AALEAD at a powerful 1-hour fundraising breakfast on March 16, 2016 at 8:00 am at Top of the Town in Arlington,VA. You will learn about the amazing impact our programming is having on our low-income and underserve

  • Loving Ourselves and Our Cultures

    By Yonsoo Kang, VA Middle School Program Coordinator Photos Courtesy of Yonsoo Kang Hello everyone!  Happy 2016. Youth from Poe and Holmes Middle Schools have been busy learning about one another’s culture as well as celebrating their own.  In December and January, AALEADers used icing to draw flags representing their heritage on cookies

  • Words of Wisdom: 4 Pieces of Advice from GMU Students to AALEAD Youth

    By Aisha, AALEAD MD Youth Photos Courtesy of AALEAD Staff College: the place where you finally transition out of high school into a completely new setting full of challenges and opportunities. A place where you'll strengthen your skills, meet amazing new people, and pursue your passions. Last Saturday, AALEAD youth visited George Mason University in Fairfax, Virginia, and got a persp

  • National Mentoring Month: Ha and Christina

    By Ha T., Current AALEAD Mentor and Christina L., Current AALEAD Youth Photos Courtesy of AALEAD Staff Every January, the Asian American LEAD (AALEAD) Mentoring Program celebrates National Mentoring Month. National Mentoring Month is a time for us to acknowledge the great work that our AALEAD mentors do. Our Mentoring Program wouldn't be the same without their passion, commitment, and dedication. We are deeply appreciative of and thankful for their support of our youth. This post hig

  • A Season of Giving with AALEAD

    By Chelsea Iorlano, Development & Communications Associate Photos Courtesy of Chelsea Iorlano Each day, the youth we serve come to AALEAD Programs and give.  They give their attention, time, respect, appreciation, energy, and support.  Each day in programs, youth give of themselves and create the vibrant, nurturing, and strong community that is AALEAD.  AALEAD Programs could not provide the stable community and safe space that they do without the youth committing to their programs and

  • AALEAD Voices

    By Shaima Ahmad, VA Programs Manager Photos Courtesy of Shaima Ahmad This past week three AALEAD youth from the VA High School Program at Annandale HS had the opportunity to attend a Student Voices Session at the US Department of Education with Secretary Arne Duncan and Under Secretary John King. The session was focused on hearing stories and gaining feedback from first generation immigrant youth and their families in regards to their experiences with the US education system. Despite being n

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