• A Mentor’s Journey

    by Donna J. Banzon, Asian American LEAD (AALEAD) Mentor, and Freidricka M. Camille, Mentoring Success Specialist Photo Courtesy of AALEAD Staff Often times in mentoring spaces, the narrative focuses on the mentee experience and the impact mentoring has on the mentees of the program.  Very little narrative is produced that reflects the journey of learning for the mentors.  Are mentors learning? If so, how has the mentori

  • A Senior’s Journey with the College Mentoring Program

    By Freidricka Camille, College and Career Mentoring Program Coordinator, and Mecca C., Woodrow Wilson High School Alumna, Class of 2019

    Photos courtesy of Freidricka Camille

    With the summer behind us and the new school year upon us, we interview AALEAD alumna Mecca C. to hear her experience in the college prep program.

    By: Anu Sharma, MD High School Program Coordinator

    Video edits and production courtesy of AALEAD youth, and photos and filming courtesy of AALEAD staff

    This spring, AALEAD youth participated in several cooking workshops that brought to life different types of cuisines from Asia, brought here and still serving a meaningful purpose for Asian Americans in term

  • VAMS Youth Council Explores Ice Cream Flavors!

    By: Amanda C., VAMS Youth Council Member Photos courtesy from various sources Summer is just around the corner, in 57 days to be exact! For many students, summer means, hot and sunny days, pools, no school, vacation time, and my personal favorite; food! There are many different types of treats kids like to eat in the summer, a very popular one being Ice Cream. You probably know about the usual and basic flavors: Vanilla, Chocolate, Strawberry, and Mint Chocolate Chip. These are actually the mo

  • Mental Health is Always on Our Minds

    By: Ari Pak, Programs Co-Director

    Photos courtesy of AALEAD staff

    Did you know that 1 in 5 youth ages 13-18 has a serious mental illness (National Alliance for Mental Illness)? According to the

    MD region IGNITES with a Fire & Ice Movie Social!

    By Anu Sharma, MD High School Program Coordinator

    Photos courtesy of AALEAD Staff

    This past Friday, youth from AALEAD After School programs across the Maryland region joined us in our office to participate in a fun and relaxing movie social. Youth selected a movie (“Mary and the Witch’s Flower”) to watch together with their peers and enjoy the afternoon with op

  • #HashtagActivism in the VA Programs

    By Pallavi Rudraraju, VA Middle School Program Coordinator

    Photos courtesy by Pallavi Rudraraju

    This week, AALEAD youth in Fairfax County learned about Hashtag Activism, a form of Digital Organizing.

    A Conversation with AALEAD Staff Mecca!

    By Neel Saxena, Executive Director interviewing Mecca McPherson, MD Middle School Program Coordinator

    Photos courtesy of AALEAD Staff

    As February wrapped up last Friday

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