• 3 Ways Youth Broaden Their Horizons with AALEAD VA

    By Ha Nguyen, VA Summer Program Intern Photos Courtesy of AALEAD Staff “A person can grow only as much as his horizon allows.” – John Powell For the past four weeks of summer, VA middle & high school youth have gathered together and opened themselves up to new ideas and experiences through AALEAD's VA Summer Program. You can probably guess from the hints above that the theme for our VA Summer Program this year is none other than “Summer Horizons!” For youth, expandi

  • To Boldly Learn What No One Has Learned Before

    By Katie Watanabe, DC Elementary School Program Intern Photos Courtesy of AALEAD Staff   Hello, everyone! My name is Katie Watanabe, and I am the DC Elementary School Program Intern for the summer! I’m writing in with a quick update about all the adventures we’ve been having at Thomson Elementary School these past few weeks! The theme of this year’s summer program is “Discovery.” As you might be able to tell from the title of this post, we are working together to discove

  • And so the journey begins!

    By Nikki Febrer, MD Programs Intern Photos Courtesy of MD Staff One week down, four more to go! Time flies when you're having fun. Last week, Asian American LEAD'S MD Summer Thrive 2016 Program kicked off, and the youth have been busy team-building, team-bonding, and problem-solving! The journey began on Tuesday, July 5th. This was the day youth were introduced to their team members; high school team leaders brought great energy and enthusiasm toward the middle schoolers as they entered t

  • Changed For Good, Farewell to AALEAD

    Antwoine & graduating 8th graders During the final song in the musical Wicked, the Good Witch, Glenda, and the Wicked Witch, Elfaba, are in Elfaba's castle. They know the castle is about to be o

  • Greetings From YLan!

    By YLan Nguyen, MD Middle School Program Coordinator Photos courtesy of YLan Nguyen Hey everyone, I am excited to join AALEAD as a Maryland Middle School Program Coordinator! I’m moving into my fourth week as a full-time staff and my experience so far has been nothing short of exciting. The staff has been so welcoming, it’s been great working with everyone. 

    A Summer of Opportunities with AALEAD VA

    By Ha Nguyen, VA Programs Intern Photos Courtesy of Ha Nguyen It is now official, everyone! The glorious summer is finally here right on our door steps inviting us all to step outside in the sun and start our own adventures. I am sure that you already have or are sketching out exciting plans with your friends and family. For me, I will be spending my time interning at AALEAD's Virginia office this summer, and I am so excited for what to come. My name is Ha Nguyen, and I am currently a ris

  • Memories at AALEAD: An interview with Lisa, a 5th Grade AALEADer

    By Charles Kuo, AALEAD DC Elementary School Program Coordinator, and Lisa, AALEAD Youth Photos Courtesy of AALEAD Staff As we approach the end of the school year, AALEAD staff and youth reflect on the memories we have made this past year. We also congratulate many of our youth who are transitioning to new schools. Lisa, a 5th grader at AALEAD Bancroft, has been a part of AALEAD for the past four years and will be going to middle school in the fall. In this int

  • Senior Send-off: Reflections from a Youth

    By Keo Xiong, AALEAD MD Programs Manager, and Eljoy, AALEAD Youth Photos Courtesy of Keo Xiong, AALEAD MD Programs Manager Congrats Senior Class 2016 Time sure flies by when you're having fun! On Friday, June 3, Asian American LEAD M

  • A Year in Review – Holmes Middle School @ VA

    By Yonsoo Kang, VA Middle School Program Coordinator Photos Courtesy of AALEAD Staff Hello everyone!  It's Yonsoo again. It seems like only a couple months ago when I first arrived at Holmes Middle School in late September as AALEAD's new VA Middle School Program Coordinator.  A few weeks had passed and I was a bit crestfallen because we only had four youth enrolled in AALEAD Programs at Holmes.  What was I supposed to do?  What kind of exciting activities were there for four people?

  • The Secret Lives of AALEAD Youth

    By Keo Xiong, MD Programs Manager Photos Courtesy of Keo Xiong, MD Programs Manager “Sometimes when we think we are keeping a secret, the secret is actually keeping us.” ― Frank Warren

    Friendship. Insecurity. Love. Loss. Fear. Expectations.

    These are just some of the common threads among the secrets shared anonymously by AALEAD youth for a PostSecret project at school. PostSecret is

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