
Ying, Tom, and Caleb with ES youth

The Spirit of Community: AALEAD DC Programs

By DĂ­a BĂąi, DC Middle & High School Programs Coordinator Photos Courtesy of DĂ­a BĂąi      When our youth think of community, many things come to mind; family, friends, and the people around them. In AALEAD, the word community has many meanings, especially when it comes to our youth. Over time, many of our DC youth […]

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AALEAD Youth Speaking to the Department of Education


By Shaima Ahmad, VA Programs Manager Photos Courtesy of Shaima Ahmad This past week three AALEAD youth from the VA High School Program at Annandale HS had the opportunity to attend a Student Voices Session at the US Department of Education with Secretary Arne Duncan and Under Secretary John King. The session was focused on […]

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AALEAD Youth Making Lumpia

Learning through Lumpia

By Diane Bui, MD Middle School Program Coordinator Photos Courtesy of Diane Bui Growing up in my household, there were two guarantees: smiles were easy to come by and the food was always delicious. My parents came from the Philippines and Vietnam, and one sure way to always get mine and my sister’s attention was […]

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An Asian American LEAD Thanksgiving

By Neel Saxena, Development & Communications Director Photos Courtesy of AALEAD Staff Growing up, every Thanksgiving I would sit at my parent’s dining room table surrounded by freshly fried samosas, simmering matter paneer, spicy chicken biryani, and canned cranberry sauce – all the while wondering why I couldn’t have a “normal” thanksgiving meal like they […]

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