
VA Middle School IGNITES the 2018-2019 After School Programs

VA Middle School programs this school year have had a plethora of workshops and self-searching activities ranging from Mental Health and Leadership exploration to Asian Pacific American identity and Cross Racial awareness!

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Staff Spotlight: Jamie Fleishman

Recently, Jamie has joined AALEAD’s Maryland Office as a Middle School Program Coordinator! To learn more about Jamie, read her Q&A responses!

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Highlights from DC Elementary School Program

The DC Elementary School Program recently had their first field trip of the year, and despite the rain and cold, our youth spend the whole day exploring. Our first field trip for this year at the Maryland Science Center in Baltimore. For the last 2 months youth have been learning about different careers in the field of Science and got a hands-on interactive experience related to Earth Sciences, Physics, Space and Zoology to name a few.

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A Cultural disPLACEment

On Thursday, October 18, 2019, Asian American LEAD (AALEAD) connected with the Consumer Health Foundation (CHF) to help celebrate their 20th Anniversary with a tour of DC’s Chinatown and share #ThisFireBurnin inside youth whose history has been erased and ignored. CHF advocates for racial equity and racial justice through programs and investments that advance the health and well-being of low-income communities and communities of color and we at AALEAD are honored to have been a part of their celebration. AALEAD worked with CHF to put an experience for their attendees which took 30+ attendees on the same path the first Chinese immigrants took when they arrived in DC in the late 1800s. There were 3 stops on the tour representing the various displacements the Chinese community faced over the past 100 years, at each of the three stops AALEAD staff provided information and context to the displacement of the community

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