AALEAD Mentoring On the National Stage

By Vi Bui, Youth Mentoring & Volunteer Programs Coordinator

Photos Courtesy of AALEAD Staff

As National Mentoring Month 2019 comes to a close, mentoring professionals from all across the country convene for the annual National Mentoring Summit in AALEAD’s backyard, Washington, DC January 31 to February 1 at the Marriot Rennaisance Hotel on the outskirts of the rapidly gentrifying DC Chinatown, nonetheless.

This coming Friday, our Mentoring Staff will be presenting our workshop, titled “What’s Culture Got to Do With It? – Effective Practices to Working with Asian American Youth and Families.”

We are excited to be bringing practitioner experiences in Asian American communities to the spotlight as the mentoring field becomes more diverse and moves towards the culturally relevant practice of critical mentoring.

If you try to look for evidence-based practices, research, and narratives about mentoring Asian American young people, you will find a lack of literature. On Friday, Freidricka Camille (AALEAD’s College and Career Mentoring Program Coordinator) and I will be attempting to fill that gap with our workshop and mentoring professionals, practitioners, and researchers from all over the country will have the opportunity to learn from AALEAD’s 20 years of experience running mentoring programs for Asian American youth.

Our goals are that participants of our workshop walk away with more exposure to the realities of the Asian American community, tips and tools for engaging with Asian American youth and families, and understanding the value of incorporating culture and identity as a component of mentoring programs.

For more information about Asian American LEAD’s mentoring programs,

please contact vbui@aalead.org or fcamille@aalead.org.

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