AALEAD in the Community – PPE for COVID-19 Safety

By Ari Pak, Programs Director

Photos & Media courtesy of AALEAD Staff & Board Members

AALEAD is grateful to have the opportunity to distribute essential COVID-19 safety materials to our community. Just last week, AALEAD engaged over 160 DC residents and families to distribute personal protective equipment (PPE) and COVID-19 safety information. During a time of celebration and thanks, we remember the importance of remaining connected to community and sharing resources for collective safety. Thank you to each of our partners who made the PPE distributions so successful! AALEAD will return to the Chinese Community Church this week to distribute additional PPE. 

Before year’s end, AALEAD will engage over 500 DC residents through PPE distribution, public health awareness and outreach, and connections to testing sites and healthcare providers. Efforts to educate the public include AALEAD youth leadership: youth leaders have been working on a COVID-19 safety and awareness campaign in programs to go live in mid-December. Our AALEAD youth leaders initiated this project understanding that this health crisis requires the leadership and responsibility of each of us. We know that we are stronger together.

AALEAD is would like to thank the Mayor’s Office of Community Affairs. With the support of the DC Hope Grant, AALEAD has been able to engage community members in the important work of public health education and access to resources to slow the spread of coronavirus. 

Find Free DC Public COVID-19 Testing Sites at https://coronavirus.dc.gov/testing

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