VA High School Staff Introduction: Shaima Ahmad

Hi my name is Shaima Ahmad and I am the VA High School Program Coordinator. I began at AALEAD as a DC Elementary School Summer Program teacher. I was able to make such a strong connection with the kids that I found it hard to say goodbye, and it was hook, line and sinker for me.  I transitioned over to the role of Site Coordinator for our program at Thomson Elementary School, where I have continued working over the past year. What I love about working with AALEAD is the sense of family that has transpired through all levels of the organization. Although I will miss working with the elementary school youth, I am excited about the prospect of expanding the AALEAD family into Virginia.

My family is originally from Pakistan, and I was raised in Maryland. After graduating from high school, I had the opportunity to move to Beijing and complete my bachelors in Business Administration. The 4 years I spent there were a life changing experience for me and actually directly linked to why I connected with AALEAD.

I am currently living in Northern Virginia with my family and love to spend my free time reading, trying new cuisines, and volunteering in the community. I absolutely love to travel and will get on a plane to almost anywhere in the world!

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