AALEAD Unleash & Ignite Showcase

By Ha Nguyen, Development & Communications Associate, YLan Nguyen, MD Programs Manager and Charles Kuo, former DC Programs Manager

Photos courtesy of AALEAD Staff

This past month, AALEAD hosted Summer Programs for over 90 Middle & High School Youth in DC and MD over the course of 5 weeks. AALEAD’s Summer Programs allow youth to gain additional opportunities to take on leadership roles, connect with their identity and community at large, and be able to unleash their event planning, group facilitation, collaborative work, and community outreach skills.

At their program site in DC & MD, AALEAD Youth participated daily in energizers, team building activities, identity exploration activities, creative arts-based activities, and structured reflection time. At the end of their summer program, youth have the space to present the artworks, skits and performances as a culmination of everything that youth have learned during the summer! This week, join us as we revisited the highlights of the DC Ignite Showcase and the MD Unleash Showcase to close out AALEAD’s 2019 Summer Programs:

Youth presenting their art pieces to their peers at the MD Unleash Showcase
A storyboard on “self reflection” by MD Youth
AALEAD Youth getting ready before the DC Ignite Showcase
DC MS & HS Youth performed skit on “overcoming negative self talk”
Summer Banner on “finding your passion” created by DC Camp Leaders
DC Youth gathered at the end of programming for structured reflection activity

As our youth wrapped up their summer and get ready for school in a few weeks, AALEAD also invites you to join our AALEAD Family Day this coming September! Check out last year’s AALEAD Family Day Reunion activities here and RSVP today to join in the fun on September 21, 2019!

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