Why is AALEAD interested in Census 2020?

In 2018, The U.S. Census Bureau conducted the 2020 Census Barriers, Attitudes, and Motivators Study (CBAMS) Survey and found Asian Americans were least likely of any racial group to report that they intend to complete the the Census. Only 55% of Asian Americans said they were “extremely” or “very” likely to fill out the Census form, compared to 69% of Whites, and 65% of Latinos, and 64% of Blacks.

Asian Americans were least likely of any racial group to report that they intend to complete the Census.

Why does the Census 2020 even matter?

Because almost everyone uses it to make decisions – the data is a large part of decision making for so many different things: for example, it is used to see where that Boba Shop will go, where that bus line will run, what languages documents will be translated, how much after school funding is made available, what housing looks like in a neighborhood, and many other decisions that touch almost every part of our life.

What is AALEAD Doing?

AALEAD is launching an outreach and education campaign that will leverage its 20+ years as a leader in the Asian American community in the DC metro area to inform and educate the community on why the Census 2020 is important and encourage and engage the Asian American community to complete the Census 2020 form. We are also be highlighting the uniqueness of the Asian American community sharing the stories behind the data to further that the aggregate doesn’t represent our diversity.

We’re also be highlighting the uniqueness of the Asian American community sharing the stories behind the data

What is Our Stories Count?

Who is writing your story, shouldn’t the answer be you and not and not a version of you that others create? Our Stories Count is an outreach and education campaign that combines numbers with words giving the the data points context, meaning, color. We will share our data and who that data represents as well as information on Census 2020. We’ll also look at ways to directly encourage and engage the Asian American community to reduce the multiple barriers to access unique to our communities.

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