MD Change Makers

By Diane Bui, MD Middle School Program Coordinator
Photos Courtesy of Chelsea Iorlano, Development and Communications Associate


Each new school year brings a new, exciting energy to AALEAD programs. This year, the Maryland team wants to focus on unifying all youth throughout the nine program sites under one theme and year-long goal.

During the 2016 – 2017 school year, Maryland youth will focus on becoming change makers within the community. But what does that mean?

Being a change maker will focus on three different parts of the body: head, heart and hand.

The head helps determine what youth are interested in and learn about issues facing the community.

The heart focuses on mental health and solidarity with other marginalized communities and develop compassion for others in need.

Finally, the hand is taking action and making a difference through community service events and setting examples of leadership with their peers.

Many youth are already change makers and are making a difference every day. At Maryland’s annual Kick-Off Celebration on Friday, October 14, youth were encouraged to think about how they are already making a difference in the community. Youth then created tweets to add to AALEAD’s on-site twitter feed to share with others at the event!

Here are some of the awesome responses from the youth at the event:

Anthony, grade 6: “I like to help people to make a change”

Brian, grade 6: “I want everyone treated equally!”

Fucheng, grade 10: “I believe in happy can change everything”

Razan, grade 11 “I plan to help people and the environment as much as I can!” Najat, grade 11: “I believe that doing something is better than saying something!”

Mariela, grade 11 “I believe in Mental Awareness”

Megan, grade 8 “I make everyone feel included”

Our live twitter wall during the Kick-Off Celebration!

Thank you to all of the families and community members that joined the MD team to celebrate the new school year and for making the commitment to become change makers!


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