Deck the Halls with AALEADers!

By Jin, AALEAD DC Student
Photos Courtesy of Tina Ngo, AALEAD Staff

This past weekend, seven AALEAD Mentoring Program pairs celebrated the holidays by participating in our first ever Mentoring Program Holiday Fair! From making gingerbread houses to decorating cards for our troops and even posing in some silly photos at our makeshift Holiday Photo Booth, mentors and mentees had a wonderful time getting to know one another and sharing some holiday cheer. Check out a poem about the event from one of our DC youth, Jin, below!

Let the holidays begin with joy and light.
Celebrating with joy on every night
A party is hosted and all will greet
The people all around and all to meet.
Gingerbread houses, peppermint kisses, and more,
It’s a celebration like never before.
Bring your friends, family, and the ones you love.
Drink hot chocolate under the stars above.
Take pictures of silly faces to remember this day.
There’s never so much smiles on just one day.
AALEAD is the place to always say “cheese,”
With everyone dancing, including me!

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